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Geographica Slovenica

Geographica Slovenica

The Geographica Slovenica review (ISSN 0351-1731) was founded in 1971. All together 35 volumes had been published. In 2002 the review was joined to the Geografski zbornik/Acta geographica review (ISSN 0373-4498), founded in 1952. Since 2003 (from volume 43 on) the name of the joint review has been Acta geographica Slovenica/Geografski zbornik and has been published twice a year in English and Slovenian.

This archive is under construction and is missing some of the issues. Please visit Slovenian version of this page to see full archive.


Geographica Slovenica volume 35, year 2002
Metka Špes, Dejan Cigale, Barbara Lampič, Karel Natek, Dušan Plut, Aleš Smrekar: Environmental vulnerability study (methodology and application)

Geographica Slovenica volume 34, year 2001
Anton Gosar: Political Geography in the 21st Century. Understanding the place - looking ahead
Gerard Toal: Geopolitics @ Millennium. Paranoid Fantasies and Technological Fundamentalism amidst the Contradictions of Contemporary Modernity
Peter J. Taylor: World Cities and Territorial States under Conditions of Contemporary Globalization. Looking Forward, Looking Ahead
A.J. Christopher: State Failure in the Twentieth Century
Stanley D. Brunn: The World Council of Churches as a Global Actor. Ecumenial Space as Geographical Space
Detlef Herold: Security Policy Challenges for the New Europe
Eva Fabrizio: The Geopolitical Importance of Eastern Europe for the European Union and Italy
Leszek Baraniecki: Politics and Tourism. Sentimental Tourism' Development in East-Central Europe
Zoltan Hajdu: Political geographical research of the Balkans in Hungary
Marek Koter: "Kresy" as a Specific Type of Boderland - It's Origin and Characteristics
Michal Hermanowski, Gerard Kosmala: Contemporary regionalism in Poland
Ilies Alexandru, Mahara Gheorghe: The conservation of ethnical identity in the north-western border region of Romania
Mahara Gheorghe, Ilies Axandru: Regional geopolitics and the evolution of the international tourism in Romania
Daniela Lombardi: Cyprus. A divided island
Maurizio Scaini: The Jerusalem issue in international politics
Igor Jelen: Contemporary post Soviet Central Asia. Tradition and globalization.
Luca Zarrilli: The Nagorno-Karabakh unsettled conflict. Between ethnic and geopolitical issues.
Marko Krevs: Ethnic heterogenity and standard of living in Slovenia
Lucija Čok: The Role of Minority Language in Slovene Education Policy. The Case of Slovene Istria.
Vesna Gomezel Mikolič: Interethnic awarness as an important creator of cross-border connections and intergration processes

Geographica Slovenica volume 33, year 2000
Metka Špes: Geographical characteristics of the landscape vulnerable areas in Slovenia
Irena Rejec Brancelj, Aleš A. Smrekar: Mountain vulnerable areas — example of Triglav national park
Dejan Cigale:Environmental impacts and the environment condition in the coastal area — the case of Koprsko primorje
Aleš A. Smrekar: Cerkniško polje as an example of settled karst vulnerable area
Barbara Lampič:Some development and environment-protection problems of Slovene countryside from the viewpoint of sustainable development
Irena Rejec Brancelj: Rural environmental sensitive areas
Dušan Plut: Bigger Slovene cities as environmentally problematic areas
Marjan Ravbar: Regional development of Slovene landscapes
Damjan Kavaš, Igor Strmšnik, Janja Pečar: Reform of the Slovene regional policy: formation of regional structural policy
Andrej Gulič, Sergeja Praper: Regional spatial development of Slovenia: a concept
Marjan Ravbar: Role of spatial planning In economic and regional development

Geographica Slovenica volume 32, year 1999
Jernej Zupančič: The Slovenes in Austria

Geographica Slovenica volume 31, year 1999
Jernej Zupančič: Foreword
Marjan Ravbar: General characteristics of border areas in Slovenia
Mirjam Požeš: Slovene Istria
Jernej Zupančič: Bela krajina
Marjan Ravbar: Posavje
Metka Špes: Spodnje Podravje
Oldrich Mikulik: Regional prosperity, the environment and the prospects of marginal regions
Antonin Vaishar: Marginal regions in Moravia: transformation of the social and economic system and its consequences
Jana Zapletalova, Alžbeta Strachova: Marginal regions and the state border
Andrea Petrova: Changes in land use in the White Carpathians
Summaries: Regional development of marginal regions in the Czech Republic
Vladimir Ira, Mikulaš Huba: SChanges of rural space in Slovekia from sustainability perspective
Peter Podolak: Demographic aspects of changes in rural areas
Anton Bezak: Development of urban and rural populations in Slovakia between 1970 and 1995
František Podhorsky: Religiousness and religious structure of rural population in Slovakia on example of chosen areas
Mikulaš Huba, Vladimir Ira: Preconditions for sustainable development of the Tatras
Juraj Podoba: They have always known to knock on the rught door...continuity, modernisation and transformation in one sub-Tatras community
Milan Lehotsky, Jan Hanušin: Assessment of the changes of rural landscape from the viewpoint of sustainability based in comparison of its structure in two periods - example of the Jablonka catchment
Peter Spišiak: Development of rural area in Slovakia
Peter Mariot: Three levels of territorial differentiation of political references in the territory of the Slovak Republic

Geographica Slovenica volume 30, year 1998
Metka Špes: Degradation of the environment as a differentiating factor in the urban area

Geographica Slovenica volume 29, year 1998
Matjaž Jeršič: The daily and weekend recreation in Slovenia

Geographica Slovenica volume 28, year 1996
Avguštin Lah: A view of space and time : Slovenia on the threshold of the information society

Geographica Slovenica volume 27, year 1995
Vladimir Drozg: Morphology of rural settlements in Slovenia

Geographica Slovenica volume 26, year 1994
Igor Šebenik: Characteristics of small, improperly managed waste dumps in Slovenia
Irena Rejec Brancelj: Agricultural geography of the Koper littoral from the standpoint of environmental protection

Geographica Slovenica volume 25, year 1993
Stanko Pelc: The commune of Domžale - an example of the transformation of the suburban landscape in the urban region of Ljubljana

Geographica Slovenica volume 24, year 1992
Anton Gosar: Foreword
Vladimir Klemenčič: National minorities as an element of the demographic and spatial structure of the Alpine-Adriatic-Pannonian region
Anton Gosar:Nationalities of Slovenia - changing ethnic structures in Central Europe
Mirko Pak: Some geographic dimensions of the ethnic structure of citizens of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jernej Zupančič: Socialgeographic transformation and national identity - the case of the Slovene minority in Carinthia (Austria)
Milan Bufon: Cultural and social dimensions of borderlands: a case study
Joseph Velikonja: Ethnicity, Geography and Communication
Felicita Medved: Swedish Multiculturalism: the Case of Slovene Immigrant Organizations
Daniel Noin: Population Geography and Ethnicity
Wilbur Zelinsky: What do we mean by "ethnicity"? Toward a definition and typology
Marek Koter: Geographical classifications of ethnic minorities
(in German) Olga Gleser, Pavel Polian: Ethnische Deportationen im Raum der ehemaligen UdSSR
Ilmars Mežš: The ethnic geography of Latvia
Krystian Heffner, Wieslaw Drobek: Ethnic specificity of Upper Silesia in the Polish and European context
Antonin Vaishar: Ethnic, religious and social problems of frontier districts in the Czech Republic
Peter Jordan: Is there a coincidence of ethnic and functional regions in Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina?
Elli Karjalainen: Swedish-speaking population as an ethnic group in Finland
Hansjörg Brey, Günter Heinritz: Ethnicity and demographic changes in Cyprus: in the "statistical fog"
Lydia Mihelič-Pulsipher: Guilt trips: mis-perceiving the landscapes of "paradise"
Huw Jones: Ethnicity and immigration policy in Australia
Hermanus S. Geyer: Urban infusion as a policy option for future urban development in South Africa: the Witwatersrand metropolitan area as an example
Ulrich Jürgens: Mixed-race residential areas in South African cities - urban geographical developments in the late and post-apartheid phases
Mei-Ling Hsu: Chinese minority populations: growth reaffirmation
Speeches at the opening of the symposium "The Geography and Ethnicity"
Greetings on the occasion of excursion
Aurora Garcia: Some Remarks on Ethnicity and Population Geography from a Spanish Point of View

Geographica Slovenica volume 23, year 1991
Rado Genorio: Thirty years of work at the Ljubljana University Institute of geography - contributions to the development of Slovene geography
(in German) Rado Genorio: Fünfundsechzigjähriges jubiläum professor Vladimir Klemenčič
(in German) Karel Ruppert: Sozialgeographische perspektiven der raumentwicklung-deutsch/slowenische Zusammenarbeit
Vladimir Klemenčič: Slovenia and Slovenes today and tomorrow in the light of social geography
(in German) Franz Schaffer: Wissenschaftsstadt Ulm : Neue Impulse für den Strukturwandel in der Region Donau - Iller
(in German) Klaus Wolf: Handlungstheoretische socialgeographie und raumentwicklung
Matjaž Jeršič: Neighbouring recreation of Slovenian population
Marjan Ravbar: Socialgeographic factors of subburbanization in Slovenia
Andrej Černe, Stanko Pelc: Analysis of some of the newest data on daily commuting in the commune of Domžale
Mirko Pak: Elements of sociogeographic development on the Dravsko polje
(in German) Oldrich Mikulik, Antonin Vaishar: Ergebnisse von geographischer umweltforschung in der Tschechoslowakei
(in German) Monika Hugger, Jörg Maier, Hubert Philipp: Industrieller flächenanspruch und naturschutz-interessen zur frage der konfliktregelung durch die angewandte geographie
(in German) Peter Jordan: Die regionen des mittleren Donauraums im heiblick auf die europäische integration
Peter Repolusk: An attempt at a geographical analysis of elections in Slovenia
(in German) Ivo Piry: Umgestaltungsmöglichkeiten der regionalentwicklungspolitik, ambeispel Slowenien erörtert
Dušan Fatur: Development of the Slovene transportation system
Uroš Horvat: Some Characteristics of Demographically Endangered Settlements in Northeastern Slovenia
Milan Natek: Population of the mountain farms in Slovenia
Damjana Počkaj Horvat: Socio-demographic Analysis of the Settlements Tvrdkova and Martiunje in the Goričko Region
Marijan Klemenčič: Geographical viewpoints on the transformation of Tržič industry
Stanko Pelc: Analysis of some of the newest data on daily commuting in the commune of Domžale
Milan Bufon: Geography of borderness: yes or no?
Borut Belec: Some Characteristic Features of the Connections Between the States of Slovenia Croatia Regarding Landed Property and Employment in the Border Regions of Northeastern Slovenia
Peter Repolusk, Jernej Zupančič: National minorities in conflict and cooperation
Antonin Vaishar: Ethnic structure of the Czech Republic in the Census of 1991 and its connections
Karoly Kocsis: Changes in the ethnic structure of the Carpatho-Balkan regions (A geographic approach)
Rado Genorio: SOcial geographic characteristics of the development of Slovene settpelent in Buenos Aires
Metka Špes: Environmental degradation in Slovenia in the light of public opinion research
Vladimir Ira, Daniel Kollar: Cognition of environment as part of the relationship "man-environment"
Oldrich Mikulik: Social economic aspects of the research of the environment
(in German) Lothar Zettler: Naturschutz und seine umsetzung in der kulturlandschaft - ein forschungsfeld der angewandten sozialgeographie
Andrej Kranjc: Karst underground degradation
Fedor Černe: A contribution to more effective environmental management

Geographica Slovenica volume 22, number 2, year 1990
Branko Pavlin: Contemporary changes in the agricultural use of land in the border landscape units of the Slovene littoral

Geographica Slovenica volume 22, number 1, year 1990
Mirjam Požeš: Development of rural settlements in the commune of Koper

Geographica Slovenica volume 21, year 1990
Rado Genorio: Foreword
Andrzej Samuel Kostrowicki: Social premises of environmental policy
Andrzej Samuel Kostrowicki: The condition of the natural environment in Poland and its associated problems
Joanna Plit: The transformations of selected elements of the geographical environment-historical analysis
Jerzy Solon: Landscape approach to the studies of suburban zones
Joanna Plit, Eva Roo-Zielinska: Phytoindication methods in maps
Joanna Plit, Jerzy Solon: Evaluation of the natural environment on the basis of vegetation (selected examples from the suburban area of Warsaw)
Joanna Plit, Jerzy Solon: Selected developmental problems in the sububan zone of Warsaw
R. Kulikowski, B. Galczynska, W.B. Morgan: Typology of individual agriculture in the suburban zone of Warsaw
Andzej Kowalczyk: Spatial structure of second home settlements in the suburban zone of Warsaw
Andrzej T. Jankowski: Methods estimating anthropogenic changes of river run-off based on examples from the Upper Silesia coal basin
Marjan Ravbar: Populational relations between towns and their surroundings in Slovenia
Stanko Pelc: Daily commuting and the accessibility of centers of employment in the settlements within the commune of Domžale
Drago Kladnik: Determining the extent to which land use is influenced by natural and cultural factors
Tatjana Ogrinc: The use of computers in researche on rural areas
Jernej Zupančič, Peter Repolusk: The problems encountered in the development of Suha Krajina
Branko Pavlin: Contemporary changes in the agricultural use of land in the border landscape units of the Slovene littoral
Marjeta Natek: The geographic efects of melioration and consolidation
Vlado Drozg: A Future for Our Past - On the Planning of Rural Settlements
Mirjam Požeš: Changes in the structures of rural settlements with reference to the village of Gračišče
Drago Kladnik: Development aspects of the Ptuj commune with special consideration of complex development of the underdeveloped regions of Haloze and Slovenske gorice
Metka Špes: Pollution in the Ptuj Commune

Geographica Slovenica volume 20, year 1989
Metka Špes, Oldrich Mikulik: Foreword
(in Slovak) Metka Špes, Oldrich Mikulik: Introduction
Summaries: Oldrich Mikulik, Antonin Buček, Metka Špes: Geographical research of the human environment (theoretical-methodological approach)
Jaroslav Ungerman: Assessment of the construction and opening of new mines on agricultural land use in Frenstatsko
Irena Rejec Brancelj: Agriculture in Zgornja Gorenjska and the environment
Evžen Quitt: Pollution and air pollution in Czechoslovakia
Dušan Plut: Some regional ecological aspects of energy resources and their use in Slovenia (with special reference to the problem of air pollution)
Ladislav Planka: Some problems of law altitude aerial photography by radio controlled air plane models
Branko Pavlin: Remote sensing data and their use in Slovenia

Geographica Slovenica volume 19, year 1988
Rado Genorio: Foreword
Dušan Fatur: The spatial development among needs, wishes and obstacles
Jože Dekleva: Social character of environmental crisys - environment humanization strategy elements
(in Russian) Tatjana Runova: Teritorialnaj organizacij prirodopljzovanij geografičeskie podhodnji k issledovanijj
(in Russian) T.G. Nefodova, I.A. Trejviš: Intenzifikacija prirodopolʹzovanja : soderžanie, raznovidnosti i territorialʹnye aspekty
(in Russian) J. Riha: Strategija razvitija istounikov vodosnavenija i znergii
Darko Radinja: Wider degradation problems of the Bled lake
Irena Rejec: The influence of the lake basin in the Bled lake pollution
Mitja Bricelj: Economic utilization and degradation of the Dolinka and Bohinjka Sava
Andrej Gulič: The river and the life in the city : the influences and the consequences of building hydro power plants on the Sava river in Ljubljana
Lojze Peterle: The visible and the invisible in the landscape
Andrej Pogačnik: Visual and emotional quality of scence as part of urban planing
Branka Berce - Bratko: The impact of culture on spatial organisation and redevelopment of human living environment
Ivo Piry, Peter Repolusk: Some characteristics of the urbanisation in the Slovene Alpine land
(in Russian) J. Zapletalova: Analiz i prognoz razvitja rekreacii v oblasti goroda Frenštat-pod-Radgoštem
Mira Sajko: Spatial variations of building the new thermopowerplant in Velenje community, taking in to consideration the environment protection
(in Russian) L. Oliveriusova: Ispolʹzovanie bioindikacii dlja ocenki sostojanija zdorovbja naselenija
Tatjana Ferjan: Valuation of Environment

Geographica Slovenica volume 18, year 1987
Rado Genorio: Foreword
Summary: Metka Špes: The pollution and the environmental pollution in different region units in Slovenia (after pattern research)
Janez Marušič: Protection of the environment in the framework of the physical planning
(in German) Helmut Herrmann: Zu problemen der entwicklung von flächennutzung und naturnutzung in stadtregionen der DDR ind anderer sozialisttscher
Matjaž Jeršič: The impact of vacation flats
Dušan Plut: Industry and degradation of the environment in Slovenia
(in Serbo-Croatian) Pavle Tomić: Zagađivanje životne sredine u seoskim naseljima Vojvodine
(in Serbo-Croatian) Jovan Plavša: Some forms of revitalisation of living environment in village settlements in Vojvodina
(in Serbo-Croatian) Georgi Pavlovski: Air, water and soil polluttion in Macedonia, and measures for its elimination
(in Russian) A. Buček, O. Mikulik: Geografija okružajušej sredy v ČSR : metodologija i rezulʹtaty
Janos Rakonczai, Imre Simon, Lajos Köteles: Efforts made in regional environmental economy in the south-east of Hungary
(in Russian) Ludvik Vladimir: Sovremennoe sostojaine i vozmožnosti ulušenija žiznennoj v pogranicnyh territorijah socialisticeskih stran : metodiceskij podhod
Marjan Debelak: Regional construction projects in the Radovljica-Bled area
Ivan Gams: Agricultural improvement of karst: origins, forms and relevance for contemporary land use
Anton Gosar: The impact of second homes on the transformation of the Slovene cultural landscape
Vera Kokole: The role of the developed telecommunication infrastructure on the settlement pattern
Majda Dekleva: Some possible impacts of information technology on living environment
(in Russian) Boris Kolev: Neblagoprijatnoe vozdejstvie avtomobilʹnogo transporta na gorodskuju sredi
(in Serbo-Croatian) Svetislav Milenković: Small business in tourism and its effect on the economic valuation of the environment
V. Gregorović, I. Jazbec, R. Čretnik: Dynamic of lead(Pb) and cadnium(Cd) levels in the hay and in the bodies of cattle in the (mining domain of) Meža vally (Mežiška dolina)
Fodor Istvan, Bunyevacz Jozsef: Environmental protection in regional planning
(in Serbo-Croatian) Stevan Stanković: Man and the active protection of human environment
(in Serbo-Croatian) Milan Spasojević: Ekonomsko - geografski aspekti regionalnog koriščenja prirodnih resursa
(in Serbo-Croatian) Radoslav Radosavljević, Miloš Vučelić: Protection and development of human environment and space
Svetislav Milenković: Contemporary methods in economic-geographical investigation of the environment
Tomas Bauko: Land use problems of settlement fringe zones in agrarian regions
(in German) Borut Belec: Umwelt probleme veranschau licht am beispiel einer meliorierien und landwirtschaftlich abgerundet vermesenen landschaft des Ščavnica thales
(in Russian) O. Mikulik: Geografičeskaja ocenka sostojanija okružajuščej sredy okrestnosti goroda Frenštat-pod-Radgoštem i prognoz ee izmeneniyi pod vlijaniem vozbedenij i ekspluatacii novju hšaht
(in Russian) J. Polach: Strukturnyj balans ušerba "potrebitelej" v izbrannoj oblasti
Marjan Ravbar: Urban ecology of Novo mesto
(in Russian) M. Havrlant: Socialʹnye aspekty žiznennyh uslovij v tjaželoj promyšleiiosti ČSSR
Drago Perko: Transformation of the Pokokrje region under infuence of man activities
(in Russian) L. Teichman: Tendencija razvitija otricatelʹnogo vlijanija himičeskoj promyšlennosti na žiznennuju sredu territorii Vostočnočešskoj oblasti
(in Serbo-Croatian) Petko Bošković: Environmental degradation in the Polimlje area and measures of active protection
(in Bulgarian) G. Slavčev Kamenov, V. Stojanov Vasilev: Vpliv človeka na življenjsko okolje v plevenski regiji
(in Serbo-Croatian) Djordjije Ostojić: Degradation of the surface in the Plevlje basin, caused by industrial-energetical plant
(in Russian) L. Buzek: Vlijanie lesnyh mešatelʹctv na uskorenie zrozii lesnoj pocvy
(in Serbo-Croatian) Živan Bogdanović, Rade Davidović: The relattion between climate and sedimentation in Novi Sad
(in Russian) M. Litynski: Urbanizacija prigorodnyh zon Varšavy i ee vlijanie na prirodnuju sredu
(in Serbo-Croatian) Georgi Pavlovski, Ljube Milenkovski: Zagadjivanje životne sredine u Skopju i mere zaštite
(in Serbo-Croatian) Asslan Selmani: Air pollution levels in industrial centers of the SR Macedonia
Darka Domitrovič-Uranjek: Pollution of environment in Celje region
(in Serbo-Croatian) Safet Nurković: Space-planing aspects of negative structure phenomena in the town settlement of Rožaj and Ivangrad

Geographica Slovenica volume 17, year 1986
Rado Genorio: Slovenes in Canada