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Acta geographica/Geografski zbornik

Acta geographica/Geografski zbornik

The journal was first published in 1952, and 42 issues appeared periodically. In 2002 the journal was joined to the Geographica Slovenica (ISSN 0351-1731), founded in 1971. Since 2003 (from volume 43 on) the name of the joint review has been Acta geographica Slovenica/Geografski zbornik and has been published twice a year in English and Slovenian.

    Acta geographica volume 42, year 2002
(5632 Kb) Igor Vrišer: Agricultural production in the Republic of Slovenia (according to the census of the agricultural sector 2000)
(35758) Franci Petek: Methodology of evaluation of changes in land use in Slovenia between 1896 and 1999
(1813 Kb) Blaž Repe: Soil degradation threat to Slovenia's landscapes
(498 ) Matija Zorn: Rockfalls in Slovene Alps
    Acta geographica volume 41, year 2001
(397 Kb) Blaž Komac: The karst springs of the Kanin massif
(965 Kb) Milan  Orožen Adamič, Mauro Hrvatin: Geographical characteristics of earthquakes in the Soca River Region
(566 Kb) Mauro Hrvatin, Mojca Hrvatin: Ecological landscape units of the Dobrepolje-Struge karst
(522 Kb) Uroš Horvat: The influence of tourism on the development of the Rogaška Slatina health resort
The following articles are devoted to the work of William Morris Davis
(122 Kb) Karel Natek: The life and work of William Morris Davis (1850 –1934)
(199 Kb) Jurij Kunaver: American geomorphology before W. M. Davis, with special regard to J. W. Powell and G. K. Gilbert
(388 Kb) Andrija Bognar: The theory of geomorphological cycles of William Morris Davis
(412 Kb) Ivan Gams: William Morris Davis, Anton Melik, level top ridges and slope processes in Slovenia
    Acta geographica volume 40, year 2000
(347 Kb) Mihaela Triglav, Mojca Kosmatin Fras, Tomaž Gvozdanovič: Monitoring of Glacier Surface with Photogrammetry Case Study on Triglav Glacier
(549 Kb) Jožef Roškar: Assessing the Water Resources Potential of the Nile River Based on Data Available at the Nile Forecasting Center in Cairo
(163 Kb) Duška Kneževič Hočevar: Studying International Borders in Geography and Anthropology: Paradigmatic and Conceptual Relations
(314 Kb) Maja Topole: Bibliography of Geografski zbornik
    Acta geographica volume 39, year 1999
(279 Kb) Anton Brancelj, Nataša Gorjanc, Radojko Jačimovič, Zvonka Jeran, Milijan Šiško, Olga Urbanc-Berčič: Analysis of Sediment from Lovrenška jezera (lakes) in Pohorje
(261 Kb) Janez Pirnat: Natural and Artificial Energy Flows in Forest and Agricultural Landscapes of Kocevsko
(411 Kb) Valentina Brečko Grubar: Landscape Vulnerability of Ljubljana’s Most Important Water Source
(1198 Kb) Irena Rejec Brancelj: Environmental Protection Aspects of Agriculture in Landscape Regions of Slovenia
(319 Kb) Lučka Lorber: The Economic Transition of Slovenia in the Process of Globalisation
    Acta geographica volume 38, year 1998
(3905 Kb) Drago Perko: The Regionalization of Slovenia
(851 Kb) Mauro Hrvatin:  Discharge regimes in Slovenia
(380 Kb) Matej Gabrovec: The Triglav Glacier between 1986 and 1998
(436 Kb) Mimi Urbanc: The impact of agriculture on the environment in Gorenjske Dobrave from the perspective of energy consumption in the area of Gorice, Letenice, and Srednja vas
(714 Kb) Borut Peršolja: Geographical Problems of onomastic in the selected example of the Kamniške-Savinjske Alps
    Acta geographica volume 37, year 1997
(80 Mb) Matej Gabrovec, Drago Kladnik: Some New Aspects of Land Use in Slovenia
(289 Kb) Marjan Ravbar: Slovene Cities and Suburbs in Transformation
(762 Kb) Ana Kučan: The Modern Social Conception of Slovene Space
    Acta geographica volume 36, year 1996
(3337 Kb) Milan Orožen Adamič, Drago Perko: Earthquake Threat to Municipalities and Settlements in Slovenia
(562 Kb) Matej Gabrovec: Solar Radiation and the Diverse Relief of Slovenia
(1022 Kb) Ana Vovk: Regional Ecological Units of Northeastern Slovenia
    Acta geographica volume 35, year 1995
(782 Kb) Matej Gabrovec: Dolomite Areas in Slovenia with Particular Consideration of Relief and Land Use
(1476 Kb) Milan Orožen Adamič: Earthquake Threat in Ljubljana
(593 Kb) Miha Pavšek: Summer Storms in Slovenia in 1994 (Survey, Basic Characteristics, and Detailed Accounts of Selected Cases)
(903 Kb) Milan Natek: The 1994 Summer Storm in the Bolska River-watershed (Central Part of Eastern Slovenia)

Acta geographica volume 34, year 1994
Darko Ogrin: Modern age climatic fluctuations in the area of the gulf of Trieste
Ivan Gams: Changes of the Triglav glacier in the 1955-94 period in the light of climatic indicators
Drago Perko: Relief aspects in Slovenia


Acta geographica volume 33, year 1993
Igor Vrišer, Dejan Rebernik: The socioeconomic and functional orientation of Slovenian towns and cities
Proceedings of the 2nd Slovenian - Hungarian Conference
Introductory address by Mr Lojze Peterle, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the 2nd Slovene-Hungarian Geographical Conference held on April 1, 1993
Ivan Gams: Towards the widening of Hungarian-Slovenian Collaboration
Denes Loczy, Laszlo Szalai: GIS application for land capability survey in Hungary
Stanko Pelc: Socioeconomic transformation of the commune of Domžale - Reseach Method
Janos Balogh, Denes Loczy: A Geoecological survey of groundwater system and surface pattern on an alluvial fan in the Szigetköz area
Karel Natek: Geoecological research into the catastrophic floods of November 1, 1990, in the Savinja river basin and its role in the mitigation of future disasters
Karoly Kocsis, Doris Wastl-Walter: Hungarian and Austrian (German) ethnic minoritites at the Austro-Hungarian border region
Istvan Berenyi, Martin Seger: Some consequences of different regional development along the western borders of Hungary
Jernej Zupančič: The ethnic identity of Hungarians in the demographically threatened area of Prekmurje
Drago Kladnik: Problems of the transformation of rural area in the transition to the market econom - The Prekmurje Example
Istvan Berenyi: Regional differences of the transformation in Hungary


Acta geographica volume 32, year 1992
Ivan Gams: A contribution to the young quaternary geomorphology in the Upper Sava Valley
Igor Žiberna: The influence of climate on the position and spreading of vineyards concerning the pattern of the middle Slovenske Gorice


Acta geographica volume 31, year 1991
Ivan Gams: Systems of adapting the Littoral Dinaric Karst to agrarian land use
Darko Ogrin: The influence of precipitations and temperature conditions on trees' radial increment



Acta geographica volume 30, year 1990
Matej Gabrovec: Relief significance for geographical aspect of the Polhov Gradec mountains
Marjan Bat: Influence of physico-geographic factors on land use
Igor Vrišer: The economic-geographical regionalization of the Republic of Slovenia


Acta geographica volume 29, year 1989
Ivan Gams: Soil temperatures in Slovenia and their deviations from air temperatures
Karel Natek: The role of landslides in the processes of landform transformation in the hills east of Celje, Slovenia, Yugoslavia

Drago Perko: East Krka river basin - regional structure and population



Acta geographica volume 28, year 1988
Vladimir Bračič: Lendavske gorice - Lendava vinehills (NE Slovenia). Geographical Monograph
Drago Meze: Kmetije na Šentviški planoti in v Trebuši
Igor Vrišer: The central places in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia in the year 1987
France Bernot: Temperature and salinity of the north Adriatic in dependence on the influx of the river water
Andrej Kranjc, Andrej Mihevc: Flood area along Notranjska Reka river


Acta geographica volume 27, year 1987
Drago Meze: Mountain farms in the region of Idrija and Cerkno
Milan Orožen Adamič: Mountain farms on the north side of the Poljane Valley 
Drago Perko: Region and land use of Kokra basin


Acta geographica volume 26, year 1986
Franc Lovrenčak: The Upper forest line in the Julian Alps and in high karst plateaus of Slovenia
Ivan Gams: Relief evolution in the western part of Lower Carniola (Dolenjsko)
Milan Šifrer: The Triglav glacier in the years 1974-1985
Dušan Košir: The glacier below the Skuta Mountain in the years 1974-1985


Acta geographica volume 25, year 1985
Drago Meze: Mountain farms in the Polhov Gradec mountains, its near surrounding countryside and in neighbouring Rovte
  Andrej Kranjc: The lake of Cerknica and its floods
Dušan Plut, Franc Lovrenčak: Geographic characteristics of overflow areas of the Kolpa and its affluents in the Upper Pokolpje


Acta geographica volume 24, year 1984
Marko Kolbezen: Hydrographical characteristics of Ljubljansko barje (the Ljubljana moor) floods
Franc Lovrenčak: Pedogeographical and vegetationgeographical characteristics of floodplain on Ljubljansko Barje (the Ljubljana Moor)
Milan Natek: Agrarian use of Ljubljansko Barje (The Ljubljana moor)
Milan Orožen Adamič: The population, settlement and traffic on Ljubljansko barje (The Ljubljana moor)
Milan Natek: Utilization of the water power of the Ljubljanica river tributaries in the area of Ljubljansko barje 8The Ljubljana Moor)
Karel Natek: The drought in Slovenia in 1983
Milan Šifrer, Milan Orožen Adamič: The 9-11 February 1984 thunderstorm in Slovenia  


Acta geographica volume 23, year 1983
Milan Šifrer: New findings on the geomorphological development on the Ljubljansko barje
Karel Natek: Development of the relief and the land-use in the Ložnica hills
Drago Meze: Mountain farms between the Kokra and the Draga valleys
Ivan Gams: Mountain farms of Pohorje of the Slovenj Gradec community
Milan Natek: Mountain farms in the eastern part of Dobroveljska planota (The Dobrovlje Plateau) - eastern region of central Slovenia
Drago Meze: Flood areas on Bloke
Milan Orožen Adamič, Marko Kolbezen: Storms and floods on the Poljanska Sora river in 1982
Karel Natek: The heavy hailstorms in the region of Celje and Gorenjsko (The Upper Carniola) on the 29th of June 1982


Acta geographica volume 22, year 1982
Drago Meze: Flood areas in the river basin of Rašiac with Dobrepolje
Milan Natek: Flood areas in the Hudinja river basin
Milan Šifrer: The quarternary development of Škofja Loka mountains
Jurij Kunaver: Geomorphology of the Kanin mountains with special regard to the glaciokarst


Acta geographica volume 21, year 1981
Ivan Gams, Karel Natek: Geomorphological map 1:100.000 and the relief evolution of Litija basin
Drago Meze: The mountain farms in the Kokra valley and the Krvavec promontory
Andrej Kranjc, Franc Lovrenčak: Floods on the Kočevsko polje
Milan Šifrer: Catastrophic effects of the thunderstorms in northeastern Slovenia in August 1980


Acta geographica volume 20, year 1980
Ivan Gams: Inundations in the polje of Planina
Drago Meze, Franc Lovrenčak, Alojz Šercelj: Flood areas in the Grosuplje basin (central Slovenia)
Milan Šifrer, Franc Lovrenčak, Milan Natek: Geographical characteristics of the flood areas in the Krka river basin below Otočec


Acta geographica volume 19, year 1979
Drago Meze: The mountain farms in the Upper Savinja valley after 1967
Dušan Plut, Franc Lovrenčak: Geographical characteristics of the areas exposed to inundations in the Rižana and Badaševica rivers system (Slovene Istria)
Milan Orožen Adamič, Franc Lovrenčak: Geographical characteristics of the areas exposed to inundations in the Dragonja and Drnica rivers system (Slovene Istria)


Acta geographica volume 18, year 1978
Milan Natek: Areas exposed to inundations in the lower Savinja valley
Milan Orožen Adamič: The consequences of he earthquakes which occured in the 1976 in SR of Slovenia


Acta geographica volume 17, year 1977
Milan Šifrer: Areas exposed to inundations in the Dravinja river system
Drago Meze: Areas exposed to inundations in the Upper Savinja Valley
Marko Kolbezen, Marijan Žagar: Areas exposed to inundations along Sotla river



Acta geographica volume 16, year 1976
Franc Lovrenčak: The Upper Timberline in the Kamnik Alps
Ivan Gams: On the timberline in the southeastern Carinthia (NE Slovenia, Yugoslavia)
Milan Šifrer: Geographic consequences of glaze in forests around Idrija and Postojna


Acta geographica volume 15, year 1975
Darko Radinja, Milan Šifrer, Franc Lovrenčak, Marko Kolbezen, Milan Natek: Geographic characteristics of the area exposed to inundations on the Pšata river system (Central Slovenia)
Ivan Gams: Hydrogeographical survey of the drainage basin of the Mislinja with special regards to its floods
Milan Šifrer, Dušan Košir: New findings concerning the Triglav glacier and the Skuta glacier


Acta geographica volume 14, year 1974
Drago Meze: The river basin of Kokra during the pleistocene period
Milan Šifrer: The quarternary development of the Dravinja hills (NE Slovenia) and of the neighbouring fringe lands
Igor Vrišer: The towns of Slovenia. Some characteristics of their development and socioeconomic sigificance and of the urban network


Acta geographica volume 13, year 1973
Ivan Gams: A contribution to the microclimatology of the karst dolinas and poljes
Darko Radinja: La vallee de Senožeče. Region au contact des reliefs fluvial et karstique
Andrej Kranjc: The polje of Kočevje (southern Slovenia), its types of areas and its land use
Darko Radinja: La karstification et l'evolution generale du relief en Slovenie


Acta geographica volume 12, year 1972
Drago Meze: The river basin of Kokra during the pleistocene period
Vladimir Klemenčič: Spatial differentiation of Slovenia according to the migration mobility of the population
Ivan Gams, Franc Lovrenčak, Borut, Ingolič: Krajna vas. A study of the natural condition and of agrarian land utilization on the karst
Darko Radinja: Glissement de terrain en amont de Podraga dans la vallee de la Vipava

  Acta geographica volume 11, year 1969
Drago Meze: Mountain farms in the eastern part of Upper Savinja Valley
Milan Šifrer: The Quarternary development of Dobrave in Upper Carniola (Gorenjska), Slovenia
Darko Radinja: Karts of Doberdob
Mirko Pak: Social-geographical development of the Upper Drava-plain
Milan Natek: Immigration and employment of labour from other Yugoslav republics in Slovenia and especially in Ljubljana

Older issues are available only in Slovene (see below).


Acta geographica volume 10, year 1967

Karel Grad: Geologija Kozjanskega
Marjan Žagar: Kozjansko, gospodarsko-geografska problematika
Darko Radinja: Vremska dolina in Divaški kras. Problematika kraške morfogeneze
Milan Šifrer: Kvartarni razvoj doline Rašice in Dobrega polja
Marjan Žagar: O značilnostih cestnega prometa v Sloveniji

Acta geographica volume 9, year 1965
Milan Šifrer: Nova geomorfološka dognanja v Koprskem Primorju
Roman Savnik: Problemi Piranskih solin
Marjan Žagar: Tabor pri Dornberku
Dušan Košir: Klimatske razmere na Kredarici
Mirko Bogić: Vreme v oktobru 1959 in elektrogospodarstvo Slovenije
Drago Meze: Samotne kmetije v Lučki pokrajini
Milko Kos: Gospodarska problematika Bovškega v preteklosti


Acta geographica volume 8, year 1963
Anton Melik: Ob dvestoletnici prvih osuševalnih del na Barju
Tone Nosan: Geologija Voglajnske pokrajine in Zgornjega Sotelskega
Drago Meze: H geomorfologiji Voglajnske pokrajine in Zgornjega Sotelskega
Anton Sore: Zemeljski plazovi na Zgornjem Sotelskem
Milan Šifrer: Nova geomorfološka dognanja na Triglavu
Ivan Gams: Jezero pod Krimom
Drago Meze: Samotne kmetije na Solčavskem
Milan Natek: Podkoren. Prispevek k geografiji Zgornje Savske doline
Mirko Pak: Kolonizacija Slovencev v Banatu


Acta geographica volume 7, year 1962
Peter Habič: Vrhnika
Milan Natek: Gomilsko
Milan Šifrer: Geografski učinki neurja med Peco in Zgornjo Pako
Danilo Furlan: Katastrofalno neurje nad Mežiško dolino 21. junija 1961
Ivan Gams: Visokogorska jezera v Sloveniji
Ivan Gams: Slepe doline v Sloveniji
Anton Melik: Bovec in Bovško. Regionalnogeografska študija


Acta geographica volume 6, year 1961
Danilo Furlan: Padavine v Sloveniji
Borut Belec. Morfologija Haloz
Ivan Gams: H Geomorfologiji Bele Krajine
Ivan Gams: Snežišča v Julijskih Alpah
Milan Šifrer: Snežišča  Kamniških Alpah
Anton Melik: Vitranc, Zelenci in Bovško
Anton Melik: Fluvialni elementi v Krasu


Acta geographica volume 5, year 1959
Anton Melik: Nova geografska dognanja na Trnovskem gozdu
Milan Šifrer: Obseg pleistocenske poledenitve na Notranjskem Snežniku
Drago Meze: Pozeba oljke v Primorju leta 1956
Božidar Kert: Geomorfologija severozahodnih Slovenskih Goric
H geomorfologiji Slovenskih in Medjimurskih goric
Ivan Gams: Geomorfologija in izraba tal v Pomurju
Stanko Poljanar: Morfološki razvoj v Podravinju


Acta geographica volume 4, year 1956
Vladimir Kokole: Gospodarska geografija in geografija naselij v področju med Savo in Sotlo
Anton Melik: Pliocenska Soča
Igor Vrišer: Morfološki razvoj v Goriških Brdih
Vladimir Kokole: Morfologija Šavrinskega gričevja in njegovega obrobja
Andrej Briški: Agrarna geografija Šavrinskega gričevja
Izvenalpske planine na Slovenskem


Acta geographica volume 3, year 1955
Drago Meze: Ledenik na Triglavu in na Skuti
Ivan Gams: Snežni plazovi v Sloveniji
Danilo Furlan: Snežne padavine v Sloveniji 11.-15. februarja 1952
Milan Šifrer: Dolina Tolminke in Zalašce v pleistocenu
Anton Melik: Nekaj glacioloških opažanj iz zgornje Doline
Vinko Šribar: Najdiščno poročilo o sondah na Lipanci


Acta geographica volume 2, year 1954

Anton Melik: Nova glaciološka dognanja v Julijskih Alpah
Igor Vrišer: Goriška Brda
Slava Lipoglavšek-Rakovec: Tržič. Mestna geografija
Janez Planina: Soča. Monografija vasi in njenega področja

Acta geographica volume 1, year 1952
Anton Melik: Zasnova Ljubljaničinega porečja
Ivan Gams: Človek na zemlji Slovenjgraške kotline
Vladimir Klemenčič: Agrarna geografija Tuhinjske doline
Polde Oblak: Morfogeneza dna Ljubljanske kotline