Department of Environmental Protection
Aleš Smrekar, Ph. D.,
Aleš Smrekar, Ph. D.,, 00386 1 4706 547
The department mainly deals with environmental protection, conservation, natural heritage, cultural heritage, protected areas, Natura 2000 sites, landscape ecology, human ecology, agriculture and environment, residential environment in cities, green infrastructure, hydrogeography, sustainable use of natural sources, environmental degradation, waste management, wetland management, environmental interpretation, public awareness and sustainable tourism.
- NatGuidES - Identification, assessment and mapping of ecosystem services in valuable nature conservation areas in Slovenia
- Determination of the pollution of underground caves at the level of Slovenia, their priority remediation and monitoring of the condition of caves
- Sustainable landscape management: From science to action
- Connectivity concept in karst: the doline-cave coupling in the context of human impacts
- TUNE UP – Promoting multilevel governance for tuning up biodiversity protection in marine areas
- PoLJUBA – Preparation of interpretation materials
- Na-kolih – Interpretation of Biodiversity and Heritage of Pile Dwellings in the Ljubljana Marshes
- The Invisible Life of Waste: Development of an Ethnography-based Solution for Waste Management in Households
- Guidelines for management of tourist destinations
- KRASn'KRŠ – Preservation and valorisation of the natural and cultural heritage and development of sustainable tourism in the cross-boarder carst landscape - Smartkarst platform
- HEPNESS – Healthy Environment Promotion for active cities development
- WETNET – Coordinated management and networking of Mediterranean wetlands
- SHAPETOURISM – New shape and drives for the tourism sector
- Drafting of the platform for tourism and recreational use of forests
- UGB – Urban Green Belts - Green is Good
- BIOMOT – Motivational strength of ecosystem services and alternative ways to express the value of biodiversity
- 2BParks – Creative Sustainable Management, Territorially Compatible Marketing, and Environmental Education
- The register of illegal waste dumps with asbestos in Ljubljana
- The evaluation of the burdening level regarding of the Nature park Tivoli, Rožnik and Šišenski Hrib
- Let's clean Slovenia
- INCOME – Improved management of contaminated aquifers - book
- Environmental report for the Plan of Lipica Stud Farm
- Allotment gardening in Ljubljana - book
- Waste dumps in Ljubljana - publication
- Healthy H2O for me
- Conflicts of interest in the use of groundwater
- Waste dumps in Jarški prod
- PASCALIS – Protocol for the Assessment and Conservation of Aquatic Life in the Subsurface
- Register of private water wells and boreholes in Ljubljana - publication
- Integral burdening in gravel plains in Slovenia - publication
- Ernoul, L., Polajnar Horvat, K., Smrekar, A. et al. 2021: Use of voluntary environmental contracts for wetland governance in the European Mediterranean region. Marine & freshwater research.
- Polajnar Horvat, K., Smrekar, A. 2021: The wetland contract as a tool for successful wetland governance : a case study of Ljubljansko barje Nature Park, Slovenia. Sustainability, 13 (1).
- Ribeiro, D., Zorn, M. 2021: Sustainability and Slovenian karst landscapes : evaluation of a low karst plain. Sustainability, 13 (4).
- Polajnar Horvat, K., Šrimpf Vendramin, K.. 2021: Issues surrounding behavior towards discarded textiles and garments in Ljubljana. Sustainability, 13 (11).
Potthoff, K., Smrekar, A., Šmid Hribar, M., Urbanc, M. 2020: The past and perspective development of pasturing and tourism in the mountains : insights from Norway and Slovenia = Pretekli in predviden razvoj planinskega pašništva in turizma : pogledi v norveške in slovenske razmere. Geografski vestnik, 92 (1). - Podjed, D., Polajnar Horvat, K. 2020: The invisible life of food waste : the case of Ljubljana households. Traditiones, 49 (1).
- Breg Valjavec, M., Klanjšček, M., Ciglič, R. 2020: - spletna navigacijska platforma za razvoj trajnostnega turizma v čezmejni kraški krajini [ – web navigation platform for the development of tourism in cross-border karst area]. GIS v Sloveniji, 15.
- Ribeiro, D. 2020: Bela krajina - sustainability in a karst landscape [Bela Krajina – Sustainability in a Karst Landscape]. Capacities, 5.
- Zorn, M., Tiran, J., Breg Valjavec, M. 2020: Pokrajinska preobrazba Velenjske kotline zaradi pridobivanja lignita [Landscape transformation of the Velenje Basin due to lignite mining], Capacities, 4.
- Ratković Aydemir, D.L., Polajnar Horvat, K., Smrekar, A. et al. 2020: Priročnik za interpretacijo dediščine.
- Bátori, Z., Zorn, M., Breg Valjavec, M. et al. 2020: Anthropogenic disturbances alter the conservation value of karst dolines. Biodiversity and conservation, 29 (2).
- Fornara, F., Polajnar Horvat, K., Smrekar, A. et al. 2020: The extended Value-Belief-Norm theory predicts committed action for nature and biodiversity in Europe. Environmental impact assessment review, 81.
- Smrekar, A., Breg Valjavec, M., Polajnar Horvat, K. 2020: Human-induced degradation in Slovenia. The geography of Slovenia: small but diverse. Springer Nature.
- Čonč, Š. 2020: Pomen varovanja vročih točk geodiverzitete za ohranitev biotske pestrosti na območju Nature 2000 v dolini reke Dragonje [The importance of protection of geodiversity hotspots for the conservation of biodiversity in the Natura 2000 area in the Dragonja river valley]. Geografski vestnik, 92 (2).
- Smrekar, A., Polajnar Horvat, K., Ribeiro, D. 2020: Slovenia's protected areas. The geography of Slovenia : small but diverse, Springer Nature.
- Smrekar, A., Polajnar Horvat, K., Ribeiro, D. 2020: Stakeholder analysis for (Mediterranean) wetland governance : the case of Ljubljansko Barje Nature Park, Slovenia. Participatory research and planning in practice. Springer Open.
- Pogačar, M., Fakin Bajec, J., Polajnar Horvat, K., Smrekar, A., Tiran, J. 2020: Promises and limits of participatory urban greens development : experience from Maribor, Budapest, and Krakow. Participatory research and planning in practice. Springer Open.
- Ribeiro, D., Šmid Hribar, M. 2019: Assessment of land-use changes and their impacts on ecosystem services in two Slovenian rural landscapes. Acta geographica Slovenica, 59 (2).
- Molinario, E., Polajnar Horvat, K., Smrekar, A., et al. 2019: Motivations to act for the protection of nature biodiversity and the environment : a matter of "significance". Environment & behavior 52 (10).
- Scopelliti, M., Polajnar Horvat, K., Smrekar, A., et al. 2018: What makes you a 'hero' for nature? : socio-psychological profiling of leaders committed to nature and biodiversity protection across seven EU countries. Journal of environmental planning and management,
- Tičar, J., Perko, D., Volk Bahun, M. 2018: Geodediščina in pokrajinska raznolikost Slovenije. GIS v Sloveniji, 14.
- Van Den Born R.J.G., Polajnar Horvat, K., Smrekar, A., et al. 2018: The missing pillar : eudemonic values in the justification of nature conservation. Journal of environmental planning and management, 61 (5/6).
- Breg Valjavec, M., Zorn, M., Čarni, A. 2018: Human-induced land degradation and biodiversity of Classical Karst landscape : on the example of enclosed karst depressions (dolines). Land degradation & development, 29 (10).
- Tičar, J., Tomić, N., Breg Valjavec, M., Zorn, M., Marković, S.B., Gavrilov, M.B. 2018: Speleotourism in Slovenia : balancing between mass tourism and geoheritage protection. Open geosciences, 10 (1).
- Breg Valjavec, M., Zorn, M., Čarni, A. 2018: Bioindication of human-induced soil degradation in enclosed karst depressions (dolines) using Ellenberg indicator values (Classical Karst, Slovenia). Science of the total environment, 640/641.
- Breg Valjavec, M., Janža, M., Smrekar, A. 2018: Environmental risk resulting from historical land degradation in alluvial plains considered for dam planning. Land degradation & development, 29 (11).
- Gabrovec, M., Komac, B., Kozina, J., Polajnar Horvat, K., Nared, J., Smrekar, A., Topole, M., Urbanc, M. 2017: Triglav National Park, Slovenia, and its contribution to regional development. Eco.mont, 9.
- Polajnar Horvat, K. 2017: Učinkovitost socialnega vplivanja pri okoljskem ozaveščanju in vedenju v povezavi z vodo [The efficacy of social influence in environmental awareness and behaviour regarding water]. Geografski vestnik, 89 (2).
- Breg Valjavec, M., Ribeiro, D., Čarni, A. 2017: Vegetation as the bioindicator of human-induced degradation in karst landscape : case study of waste-filled dolines = Vegetacija kot bioindikator antropogene degradacije kraške pokrajine : primer z odpadki zapolnjene vrtače. Acta carsologica, 46 (1).
- Ribeiro, D., Zorn, M., Čarni, A. 2017: Kazalniki za spremljanje trajnostnega razvoja kraških območij. Regionalni razvoj, 6.
- Tičar, J., Komac, B., Zorn, M., Ferk, M., Hrvatin, M., Ciglič, R. 2017: From urban geodiversity to geoheritage : the case of Ljubljana (Slovenia). Quaestiones Geographicae, 36 (3).
- Kladnik, D., Šmid Hribar, M., Geršič, M. 2017: Terraced landscapes as protected cultural heritage sites. Acta geographica Slovenica. 57 (2).
- Admiraal, J., Polajnar Horvat, K., Smrekar, A., et al. 2017: Motivations for committed nature conservation action in Europe. Environmental conservation, 44(2).
- Polajnar Horvat, K., Smrekar, A. 2017: From words to action : improving drinking water behaviour in the urban environment. Geographia Polonica, 90 (3).
- Breg Valjavec, M., Smrekar, A., Zorn, M. 2017: Illegal dump sites as degraded landscape elements. Environmental degradation : types, causes and impacts. Environmental remediation technologies, regulations and safety.
- Tiran, J. 2017: Kakovost bivalnega okolja v Ljubljani [Quality of residential environment in Ljubljana]. Georitem, 28.
- Smrekar, A., Zorn, M., Komac, B. 2016: Heritage protection through a geomorphologist’s eyes: From recording to awareness raising. Acta geographica Slovenica 56-1.
- Polajnar Horvat, K. 2016: Segmentation of the inhabitants of Ljubljana with regard to environmental issues = Segmentacija stanovnika Ljubljane s obzirom na njihov odnos prema okolišu. Hrvatski geografski glasnik, 78 (1).
- Šmid Hribar, M., Ferk, M. 2016: The role and importance of the landscape park Udin Boršt. Acta geographica Slovenica, 56 (1).
- Tiran, J. 2016: Measuring urban quality of life: case study of Ljubljana = Merjenje kakovosti življenja v mestu: primer Ljubljane. Acta geographica Slovenica 56 (1).
- Smrekar, A., Šmid Hribar, M., Tiran, J., Erhartič, B. 2016: A methodological basis for landscape interpretation : the case of the Ljubljana Marsh. Acta geographica Slovenica, 56 (2).
- Smrekar, A., Šmid Hribar, M., Erhartič, B. 2016: Stakeholder conflicts in the Tivoli, Rožnik Hill, and Šiška Hill protected landscape area. Acta geographica Slovenica, 56 (2).
- Smrekar, A., Polajnar Horvat, K., Erhartič, B. 2016: The beauty of landforms. Acta geographica Slovenica, 56 (2).
- Tiran, J. 2016: Measuring urban quality of life : case study of Ljubljana = Merjenje kakovosti življenja v mestu : primer Ljubljane. Acta geographica Slovenica, 56 (1).
- Šmid Hribar, M. 2016: Varovanje in trajnostni razvoj kulturne pokrajine Ljubljanskega barja [Protection and sustainable development of a cultural landscape : the case of Ljubljana Moor]. Georitem 27. Založba ZRC.
- Polajnar Horvat, K., Drofenik U. 2015: Opportunities for developing mountain biking in the municipality of Bohinj = Možnosti razvoja gorskega kolesarstva v občini Bohinj. Acta geographica Slovenica, 55 (2).
- Smrekar, A., Erhartič, B. 2015: Estetika naravne pokrajine, Dolina Triglavskih jezer [Aesthetics of the natural landscape, the Triglav lakes Valley]. Geografija Slovenije, 32.
- Polajnar Horvat, K. 2015: Okolju prijazno vedenje [Environmentally friendly behaviour]. Georitem, 26.
- Smrekar, A., Šmid Hribar, M., Tiran, J. 2015: The mix of various interpretive methods, an example form Slovenia. International journal of geoheritage, 3 (1).
- Šmid Hribar, M., Bole, D., Pipan, P. 2015: Sustainable heritage management : social, economic and other potentials of culture in local development. Procedia 188.
- Breg Valjavec, M. 2014: Detection of former landfills in gravel plain using geomorphometric analysis and high-resolution LiDAR DTM = Odkrivanje prikritih odlagališč odpadkov v prodni ravnini z geomorfometrično analizo in LiDAR DMR. Acta geographica Slovenica, 54 (1).
- Polajnar Horvat, K., Smrekar, A., Zorn, M. 2014: Environmental thought in Slovenia. Environmentalism in Central and Southeastern Europe : historical perspectives. Ekonomska i ekohistorija - Časopis za gospodarsku povijest i povijest okoliša, 10.
- Ribeiro, D. 2014: Upravljanje čezmejne in meddržavne kulturne dediščine [Management of transboundary and transnational cultural heritage]. Capacities, 2.
- Breg Valjavec, M., Polajnar Horvat, K. 2014: Catchment approach in managing of coastal wetlands, Slovenia. European Journal of Geography, 5 (3).
- Breg Valjavec, M. 2014: Nekdanja odlagališča odpadkov v vrtačah in gramoznicah. Geografija Slovenije, 26.
- Smrekar, A., Tiran, J. 2013: 2Bparks mainstream.
- Smrekar, A. 2012: Environmental awareness in Slovenia through residents' relationship to waste. Geografski vestnik, 84 (1).
- Zorn, M., Šmid Hribar, M. 2012: A landscape altered by man as a protected area : a case study of the Ljubljana Marsh (Ljubljansko barje) = Antropogena pokrajina kot zaščiteno območje : primer Ljubljanskega barja. Ekonomska i ekohistorija : časopis za gospodarsku povijest i povijest okoliša, 8 (1).
- Smrekar, A. 2011: From environmental awareness in word to environmental awareness in deed: the case of Ljubljana = Od deklarativne do dejanske okoljske ozaveščenosti na primeru Ljubljane. Acta geographica Slovenica, 51 (2).
- Breg Valjavec, M., Fridl, J., Kladnik, D., Smrekar, A., Urbanc, M. 2011: A drinking water pumping station in a degraded riparian landscape : how to overcome anarchy and achieve balanced, sustainable development?. Analele Universitǎţii Bucureşti. Geografie.
- Šmid Hribar, M., Lisec, A. 2011: Protecting trees through an inventory and typology : heritage trees in the Karavanke mountains, Slovenia = Vloga inventarizacije in tipizacije pri učinkovitem varovanju drevesne dediščine v pokrajini : drevesna dediščina v Karavankah. Acta geographica Slovenica, 51 (1).
- Smrekar, A. 2011: From environmental awareness in word to environmental awareness in deed: The case of Ljubljana = Od deklarativne do dejanske okoljske ozaveščenosti na primeru Ljubljane. Acta geographica Slovenica 51-2.
- Smrekar, A., Erhartič, B., Šmid Hribar, M. 2011: Krajinski park Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib [Nature Park Tivoli, Rožnik, Šišenski hrib]. Georitem, 16.
- Breg Valjavec, M., Klančar, U. 2011: Izzivi in ovire za ekološko pridelavo fig v slovenski Istri [Challenges and hindrances for an ecological growing of figs in Slovene Istria]. Geografski vestnik, 83 (2).
- Šmid Hribar, M., Torkar, G., Horvat, B., Vladušič, D. 2010: Pomen digitalne enciklopedije DEDI pri ohranjanju in soustvarjanju slovenske dediščine [The significance of the digital encyclopaedia DEDI to the preservation and creation of the Slovene heritage]. Etnolog, 20.
- Smrekar, A. (editor) 2009: Okoljsko poročilo z dodatkom za širitev igrišča za golf v Lipici [Environmental report with an addition for the expansion of the golf course in Lipica].
- Smrekar, A. 2009: Allotment keeping in Ljubljana. Geographia Polonica, 82 (2).
- Bole, D., Breg Valjavec, M., Erhartič, B., Kladnik, D., Polajnar Horvat, K., Smrekar, A. 2009: Presoja primernosti načrtovanih vrtičkarskih območij v Ljubljani = Assessing the suitability of planed garden-plot areas in Ljubljana. Urbani izziv, 20 (1).
- Jamnik, B., Smrekar, A., Vrščaj, B. 2009: Vrtičkarstvo v Ljubljani [Plot gardening in Ljubljana]. Geografija Slovenije, 21.
- Polajnar Horvat, K. 2008: Public awareness of wetlands and their conservation = Ozaveščenost prebivalcev o varovanju mokrišč. Acta geographica Slovenica, 48 (1).
- Breg Valjavec, M., Grilc, V., Jamnik, B., Kladnik, D., Smrekar, A. 2008: Impact of illegal dumping sites on the groundwater of Ljubljansko polje. Sanitarno inženirstvo, 2 (1).
- Smrekar, A. 2008: Gnojišča na Ljubljanskem polju [Manure Piles in the Ljubljana Plain]. Georitem, 1.
- Breg Valjavec, M., Kladnik, D., Smrekar, A. 2007: Dumping sites in the Ljubljansko polje water protection area, the primary source of Ljubljana's drinking water = Odlagališča odpadkov na vodovarstvenem območju Ljubljanskega polja, glavnem viru oskrbe Ljubljane s pitno vodo. Acta geographica Slovenica, 47 (1).
- Smrekar, A., Kladnik, D. 2007: Zasebni vodnjaki in vrtine na območju Ljubljane 4. [Private water wells and boreholes in the area of Ljubljana]. Georitem, 4.
- Breg Valjavec, M. 2007: Degradation of dolines on Logaško polje (Slovenia) = Degradacija vrtač na Logaškem polju (Slovenija). Acta carsologica, 36 (2).
- Rodela, R., Šmid Hribar, M. Učeče regije: vpliv socialnega kapitala na ustanovitev krajinskega parka Goričko [Learning Regions: the influence of social capital for the establishment of Goričko Landscape Park]. Regionalni razvoj, 1.
- Breg Valjavec, M. 2007: Okoljski vidiki ohranjanja in zaščite vrtač v Sloveniji [Environmental Environmental Aspects of Dolines Protection in Slovenia]. Dela, 28.
- Breg Valjavec, M. 2007: Izzivi in ovire sonaravnega kmetijstva na Dravskem polju [Challenges and obstacles of sustainable agriculture in the Dravsko polje region]. Geografski vestnik, 79 (1).
- Smrekar, A. 2007: Divja odlagališča odpadkov na območju Ljubljane [Illegal waste dumps in the Ljubljana region]. Georitem, 1.
- Smrekar, A. 2006: From drawing cognitive maps to knowing the protection zones for drinking water resources = Z risanjem spoznavnih zemljevidov do poznavanja varstvenih pasov virov pitne vode. Acta geographica Slovenica, 46 (1).
- Smrekar, A. 2006: Zavest ljudi o pitni vodi [Public awareness of drinking water]. Geografija Slovenije, 12.
- Breg Valjavec, M., Fridl, J., Kladnik, D., Smrekar, A. 2005: Vrednotenje nedovoljenih odlagališč odpadkov glede na nujnost njihove sanacije [Evaluation of illegal dumps according to the priority of the remediation]. Geografski vestnik, 77 (1).
- Urbanc, M., Breg Valjavec, M. 2005: Gravel plains in urban areas: gravel pits as an element of degraded landscapes = Prodna ravnina v mestnem prostoru: gramoznice kot prvina degradirane pokrajine. Acta geographica Slovenica, 45 (2).