Department of Geographic Information Systems
The department works on geographic information system (GIS) development and prepares GIS support for various institute projects.
Important links
- "Geografski informacijski sistemi v Sloveniji (Geographic information systems in Slovenia)" book series
- simposium "GIS v Sloveniiji"
- collection ("UHI Atlas - Urban Heat Island Atlas")
Examples of projects (list of all the projects)
- Connectivity concept in karst: the doline-cave coupling in the context of human impacts
- Advancement of computationally intensive methods for efficient modern general-purpose statistical analysis and inference (landscape classification, machine learning)
- Natural landscape types of Slovenia (landscape classification with various geoinformatic tools)
- Determination of natural landscape types at local level (landscape classification with various geoinformatic tools)
- Transport land use in Slovenia (land use classification with various geoinformatic tools)
- Relief classification of Slovenia (relief classification with various geoinformatic tools)
- UHI – Development and application of mitigation and adaptation strategies and measures for counteracting the global urban heat islands - link to UHI Atlas (web application, satellite image processing)
- Natural hazards without frontiers (modeling of natural processes, data acqusition, web application)
- General map of the Republic of Slovenia
- Daily Mobility to Work and School
- Regional comparison of settlement land use changing in Slovene statistical regions in the period 1991-2002 according to selected rural areas
- Isonzo front – geography
- Elaboration of public passenger transport zoning system in the Republic of Slovenia
- Elaboration of national time-table and tariff system for bus public passenger transport
- Elaboration of accessibility standards to the public passenger transport
- Census atlas of Slovenia 2002
- Integral burdening in gravel plains in Slovenia – Case study of Ljubljansko polje
- SIJPRO – Preparation of professional background for performing public passenger transport in Slovenia
- The drafting of the cadastre and the proposal of prioritized rehabilitation of waste dumps in Jarški prod pumping station watershed area
- The register of water wells and bores in private ownership in the areas of water sources in the City Municipality of Ljubljana