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- Department of Human Geography
Department of Human Geography
David Bole, Ph. D.
Department is engaged in human and economic geography, regional planning and applied geography.
Members: David Bole, Ph. D.; Matej Gabrovec, Ph. D.; Primož Gašperič, Ph. D.; Maruša Goluža, Ph. D.; Jani Kozina, Ph. D.; Erik Logar, Ph. D.; Daniela Alexandra Teixeira de Costa Ribeiro, Ph. D.; Primož Pipan, Ph. D; Petra Rus, Ph. D.; Marko Senčar Mrdaković, Janez Nared, Ph. D.; Mateja Šmid Hribar, Ph. D.; Jernej Tiran, Ph. D.; Anja Trobec, Mimi Urbanc, Ph. D.
Description of the department:
The Department brings together researchers interested in the interrelationships between people and places. We are interested in the spatial and temporal changes of these relationships and their cultural, social, economic and environmental consequences. A characteristic feature of our department is that we try to make research as relevant to users as possible (engaged and participatory research), and thus to contribute to just development. Our research usually involves active participation with local communities, but we also aim to contribute to the development of theory and empirics in geography.
Main research themes:
#cultural landscapes #land use #urban/rural #settlement structure #agriculture
#collective actions #common-pool resources #governance #commons #ecosystem services
#historical development #historical cartography #memory #borders
#economic transformation #small and medium-sized towns #electoral geography #creativity, culture and innovation #labour
#daily mobility #sustainable mobility #public transport #integrative approach #mobility planning
#local and regional development #quality of life #development disparities #evaluation #territorial governance
Slovene Regional Days, (Human)geography chat
EU projects:
- WIN - Improving the position of Women in the labour markets of peripheral INdustrial regions, 2024-2026
- SELINA - Science for Evidence-based and sustainabLe decisIons about NAtural capital, 2022-2027
- Transitions to Sustainable Ski Tourism in the Alps of Tomorrow, 2022-2025
- MINERVA – MappINg Cultural HERitage: Geosciences VAlue in Higher Education, Erasmus+, 2020–2022
- SHARED GREEN DEAL - Social sciences & Humanities for Achieving a Responsible, Equitable and Desirable GREEN DEAL, 2021 - 2023
- TuneOurBlock – Transforming urban quarters to human scale environments: applying superblock concepts for different urban structures, JPI Urban Europe, 2021–2024
- CARE4CLIMATE – Boosting greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2020 with a view to 2030 – promoting sustainable transport, energy efficiency, renewable energies and sustainable, climate protecting land use in the transition to low carbon society, LIFE IP, 2019–2026
- ECOVINEGOALS – Ecological vineyards governance and activities for landscape's strategies, Interreg Adrion, 2020–2022
- LABELSCAPE – Integration of sustainability labels into Mediterranean tourism policies, Interreg Mediteranean, 2019–2022
- ESPON TNO 19-22, ESPON, 2019–2022
- SMART-MR – Sustainable measures for achieving resilient transportation in metropolitan regions, Interreg Europe, 2016–2021
- BRIGHT FUTURE – Bright future for black towns: reinventing European industrial towns and challenging dominant post-industrial discourses, Horizon 2020-ERA-NET, 2017–2020
- TRANS-BORDERS – TEN-T passenger transport connections to border regions, 2017–2020
- FilmInd – The Indian film industry as a driver of new socioeconomic connections between India and Europe, 2019–2022
- YOUIND – Youth in industrial regions - Strengthening institutional capacity to prevent the outmigration of young people from industrial towns, 2020–2022
- M.C.RUK – Network of art research and culture centres, 2020–2022
- MEDFEST – MED Culinary heritage experiences: how to create sustainable tourist destinations, 2016–2019
- AgriGo4Cities – Urban agriculture for changing cities: governance models for better institutional capacities and social inclusion, 2016–2019
- ESMERALDA – Enhancing ecosystem services mapping for policy and decision making, Horizon 2020, 2015–2018
- IDEA-C – Inter-cultural dimension for European active citizenship, 2014–2016
- RURBANCE – Rural-Urban inclusive governance strategies and tools for the sustainable development of deeply transforming Alpine territories, 2012–2015
- WIKIAlps – A wiki for capitalising on spatial-development projects, 2013–2014
- SY_CULTour – Synergy of culture and tourism, 2011–2014
- CHERPLAN – Enhancement of Cultural Heritage through Environmental Planning and Management, 2011–2013
- OTREMED – Tool for the Territorial Strategy of the MED Space, 2010–2013
- Catch_MR – Cooperative Approaches to Transport Challenges in Metropolitan Regions, 2010–2012
Bilateral projects:
- Slovenia - Japan – Sustainable management of commons in socio-ecological production landscapes (cultural landscapes) in Slovenia and Japan, 2019-2021, UN University
- USA–Slovenia – Exploring governance of common-pool resources and their contribution to human well-being, 2018–2019, University of Florida
- Serbia–Slovenia – Calculation of the Tourism Climate Index (TCI) in Serbian and Slovenian tourist destinations: the link between climate and tourism, 2014–2015, University of Novi Sad
National projects:
- V6-2251, Mobility poverty in the Republic of Slovenia, 2022-2024
- N6-0157, Places that don`t matter? Socio-economic transformation of industrial towns in Switzerland and Slovenia, lead agency SNF, 2020–2023
- V1-2141, NatGuidES - Identification, assessment and mapping of ecosystem services in valuable nature conservation areas in Slovenia, 2021 - 2023
- V6-1945, Intersectoral coordination of problem areas development, 2019–2021
- V5-1730, Upgrade of the methodology for designation of nationally important landscape identity areas, 2018–2020
- V6-1731, Comprehensive demographic analysis with demographic projections for rural and urban areas, 2018–2019
- V6-1652, Model of joined physical and development planning at the regional level, 2016–2018
- V6-1629, Siting of farm buildings in the landscape context and solving spatial conflicts, 2016–2018
- J6-6854, Cultural landscapes caught between public good, private interests and politics, 2014–2017
- L6-6852, Landscape diversity and hotspots of Slovenia, 2014–2017
- 3330-14-509069, Living environment of the inhabitants of Slovenia, 2013–2015
Other projects:
- 2550-15-510009, Polycentric settlement network and accessibility to services of general and general economic interest, 2015–2016
- Methodology for interpreting a drawing material as a result of an innovative in situ large scale participatory process "Draw a coastal road", 2018