Historical Geography
Historical geography provides a source of information for understanding and studying geographical conditions in the past in order to understand the present. We study landscape features as a result of historical development. We seek to understand the functioning of past (cultural) landscapes through the prism of various written and cartographic sources, drawing on the rich material of the Geographical Museum, which is part of the Institute.
List of notable achievements in the last three years:
- Gašperič, P. 2023: A new standardized methodology for analyzing cartographic information on old maps. Acta geographica Slovenica 63-2.
- Gašperič, P. 2022: Zgodovinska kartografija ozemlja Slovenije. Geografija Slovenije 37. Ljubljana.
- Zorn, M., Mikša, P. 2021: Boundary stones and their "hidden" legacy in Slovenia. Hidden Geographies. Cham.
- Gašperič, P., Komac, B. 2020: Remapping fictional worlds: a comparative reconstruction of fictional maps. The Cartographic Journal 57-1.
- Gašperič, P., Šolar, R., Zorn, M. 2020: Kartografski zakladi slovenskega ozemlja = Cartographic treasures of Slovenian territory. Ljubljana.
List of research projects in the last three years:
- Supplement to the Record of Hidden War Cemeteries and the Register of War Cemeteries with data on hidden war cemeteries in underground caves. Duration: 10/2022–9/2024, leader at the Institute: dr. Matija Zorn
- The Rapallo border: a quarter of a century of existence and a century of heritage and memory. Duration: 10/2021–9/2024, leader at the Institute: dr. Matija Zorn
- Creating, maintaining, reusing: border commissions as the key for understadning contemporary borders. Duration: 9/2020–8/2024, leader at the Institute: dr. Matija Zorn
Picture 1: Studying the remains of former borders - Haloze.
Picture 2: Karst edge.
Picture 3: Map of Carniola.