We study the daily mobility of the population in terms of spatial, environmental and social impacts. We focus on sustainable forms of mobility, in particular public transport, focusing on its time competitiveness, accessibility and spatial determinants of travel behaviour such as settlement patterns and distance from stops. We are also looking at the integration of travel modes into Mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) and mobility/transport poverty. We consider transport infrastructure as an opportunity or a barrier for sustainable mobility and for coherent spatial and regional development.
List of notable achievements in the last three years:
- Tiran, J., Razpotnik Visković, N., Gabrovec, M., & Koblar, S. (2022). Prostorska analiza dostopnosti javnega potniškega prometa v Sloveniji = A spatial analysis of public transport accessibility in Slovenia. Urbani Izziv, 33(1), 105-121.
- Tiran, J., Hrvatin, M., & Gabrovec, M. (2021). Časovna konkurenčnost medkrajevnega javnega potniškega prometa v Sloveniji. Geografski vestnik, 93(2), 9-26.
- Brezina, T., Tiran, J., Ogrin, M., & Laa, B. (2021). COVID-19 impact on daily mobility in Slovenia. Acta geographica Slovenica, 61(2), 91-107.
- Tiran, J., Brezina, T., Ogrin, M., & Laa, B. (2022). Vpliv epidemije covida-19 na dnevno mobilnost v Sloveniji: vpogled v prvi val. Ujma 36, 195-202.
- Tiran, J., Ciglič, R., Gabrovec, M., Hrvatin, M. (2023). V hribe z javnim prevozom. Web application.
- Tiran, J., Benčina, M., Bole, D., Goluža, M., Koblar, S., Pipan, P., Živčič, L., Gabrovec, M. (2023): Opredelitev prevozne revščine v Sloveniji. Regionalni razvoj 9, 71-85.
List of research projects in the last three years:
- CARE4CLIMATE (Life+, 2019¬2027, leader at the Institute: dr. Matej Gabrovec)
- Mobility poverty in the Republic of Slovenia (applied project, 2022¬2024, leader at the Institute: dr. Matej Gabrovec)
- Integrative Approach to Transport Corridors and Transport Nodes Development (applied project, 2021¬2024, leader at the Institute: dr. Janez Nared)
- SMART-MR (Interreg Europe, 2016¬2021, leader at the Institute: dr. Janez Nared)
Picture 1: Web mapping application of 40 hikes with public transport in Slovenia.
Picture 2: Time competitiveness of train between Ljubljana in municipal centres in its functional urban area.