Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Matej Gabrovec, PhD-
Original Title
Boosting greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2020 with a view to 2030 – promoting sustainable transport, energy efficiency, renewable energies and sustainable, climate protecting land use in the transition to low carbon society
Project Team
Matej Gabrovec, PhD, Jernej Tiran, PhD, David Bole, PhD, Rok Ciglič, PhD, Petra Rus, PhD, Manca Volk Bahun, PhD, Erik Logar, PhD, Mauro Hrvatin, PhD, Matjaž Geršič, PhD, Peter Repolusk, BA, Primož Pipan, PhD, Maruša Goluža, PhD, Nika Razpotnik Visković, PhD-
Project ID
LIFE17 IPC/SI/000007
1 January 2019–31 December 2026 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Financial Source
Evropski program LIFE, Sklad za podnebne spremembe
Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije, Inštitut za politike prostora, Gradbeni inštitut ZRMK, Inštitut Jožef Štefan – Center za energetsko učinkovitost, Ministrstvo za naravne vire in prostor, Umanotera – slovenska fundacija za trajnostni razvoj, Focus, društvo za sonaraven razvoj, EKO SKLAD, Slovenski okoljski javni sklad, ZUM, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Urbanistični inštitut Republike Slovenije, Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije , Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, prometno, inženirstvo in arhitekturo
General objectives of the project include:
(1) Tackle identified implementation gaps / bottlenecks to enable faster and more cost-effective realisation of the 2020 target set in the GHG OP 2020 and the AP EE, which are key plans to meet the GHG reduction objectives of the Decision 406/2008/EC and to ensure a cost effective tackling of 2030 targets.
(2) Increase resources and competencies that will enable quality preparation of measures and better coordination of their implementation, by focusing on improving stakeholder capacity, involvement, collaboration and modernisation of organisational procedures for the preparation of new instruments.
(3) Setting up an efficient monitoring system for the implementation of the OP GHG measures: monitoring of CO2 emission sinks, systematic monitoring of effects achieved through information and awareness-raising and training activities, monitoring of green public procurement effects;
(4) Cross-sector emission reduction in a way that will contribute to achieving other climate, environmental, and sectoral objectives, including adaptation to climate change, reduction in air pollutant emissions, and the provision of reliable supply of energy, by mobilising other - complementary sources of funding.
Anton Melik Geographical Institute will prepare guidelines for integration of public transport (action C3.1).
For more information see the official project website.
1st phase (to the end of 2020):
The 1st phase of this action will be implemented a few steps. At first, the main corridors of PPT with the biggest number of commuters will be identified, using available sources, where improved sustainable mobility service would make a significant contribution towards reducing GHG emissions. Analysis of PPT service quality and competitiveness and proposals of possible improvements for these corridors (at least 2) will be prepared. In cooperation with local communities and competent PPT authorities solutions (adjustments, improvements) will be proposed and their implementation recommended and, possibly, executed. Such recommendations will be: adjustments of timetables between operators, regular-interval timetables, introduction of fast highway bus lines and other soft measures.
In the first phase, the existing national route planner (Integrated PPT platform) will be upgraded and updated. Current platform, which is provided by the MI, includes data on train, intercity buses, Ljubljana and Maribor city PPT, but without data on other city PPT in the country. It has not been upgraded since May, 2017, therefore the schedules are not up to date and consequently of no use to the passengers. The improvement will be prepared in cooperation with Ministry of Infrastructure, local PPT providers and the future PPT management agency.
The special attention will be paid on door to door service and to the last mile solution. Due to high share of population living in rural low density areas, smart solutions for these local communities will need to be implemented (demand-responsive service, integration of school and PPT services). In the low density rural areas classical PPT is not economically viable, so above mentioned services are needed to transport the people to the nearest PPT node with a high level of service. Also best practices in Slovenia and abroad will be collected and guidelines will be prepared.
2nd phase (from 2021):
New MaaS platform will be designed based on experiences and best practices on selected European cities and regions (Vienna, Gothenburg, Helsinki). Based on Ljubljana (the capital) solutions from another project MaaS will be expanded on regional and on national level in the framework of this LIFE IP. All the information on mobility services will be available on the new MaaS platform. The users will be able to book the services as well.
- Analysis of accessibility of public transport services (handout)
- Analysis of daily commuting flows and identification of the main public transport corridors (handout)
- Proposal of new model of travel to work costs reimbursement (handout)
- Analysis of PPT service quality and competitiveness and proposals of possible improvements (handout)
- Guidelines for public passenger transport organisation in rural areas (handout)
- Scheme of improved public passenger transport in selected corridors (handout)
- A plan of Mobility as a Service in Slovenia (handout)
- Hiking with public transport (web application)
- Guidelines for sustainable mobility in protected areas (handout)
- Proposal of new model of travel to work costs reimbursement: an updated version (handout)
The LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE (LIFE17 IPC/SI/000007) project is an integrated project, co-financed by the European LIFE programme, the Climate Change Fund and other partners.