Research interests
- B.Sc. in geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2009.
- Ph.D. in spatial planning, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, 2022.
Research fields
- spatial planning, participatory planning and governance, regional development
- economic geography – urban transformation, transport geography (public passenger traffic)
Selected presentations and lectures
- Sustainable mobility solutions for visiting protected areas in Slovenia. Lecture at the Regional Studies Association conference for Central and Eastern Europe 2024: Dynamically changing regions in an ever-changing world. September 11-13, 2024. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- The role of industrial heritage in the transformation of Trbovlje, Slovenia: Context-embedded qualitative research design. Lecture at the Regional Studies Association annual conference 2023. Transforming regions: policies and planning for people and places. June 14-17, 2023. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- An asset or an obstacle? Investigating the role of intangible sociocultural (pre-)conditions in the transformation of older industrial regions (Bole, David ; Goluža, Maruša ; Kozina, Jani). Lecture at the RSA CEE conference Bridging old and new divides - global dynamics and regional transformations: 2022. September 14–17, 2022 Leipzig, Germany.
- Regionalni razvoj kot argument za načrtovanje državne prometne infrastrukture: vzroki za konflikte na primeru severnega dela tretje razvojne osi. Mesec prostora na Oddelku za geografijo FF UL: Konflikti na podeželju. Kako konflikti na podeželju spodbujajo iskanje rešitev in razvoj? Ljubljana, 19. 10. 2022.
- Contested motorway planning: confronting inclusionary practice and its impact on the legitimacy of decision-making process in Slovenia. Lecture at the AESOP conference Adapting Planning: Rethinking the Planning Practices, Gdansk, 13. 7. 2021, spletni dogodek.
- Dnevne migracije in možnosti uporabe javnega potniškega prometa med Slovenj Gradcem, Velenjem, Celjem in Ljubljano. Lecture at the 3rd regional conference Regijski izzivi dnevne mobilnosti – hitre avtobusne linije, Velenje, 30. 9. 2020.
- New road wanted (but not in my backyard). Lecture at the RGS IBG conference for doctoral students, Manchester, United Kindgdom, April 26, 2019.
- Conflicts in planning major infrastructure projects: what causes them and why are they so persistent? Lecture at the annual AESOP congress, Göteborg, Sweden, July 11, 2018.
Other activities
- member of editorial board of scientific journal Acta geographica Slovenica
- member of the commission for regional and spatial planning at the Geographical Societies of Slovenia
- member of editorial board of Regional Development book series (Slo. Regionalni razvoj)
- Co-editor of Regional development book series (Slo. Regionalni razvoj)
- member of the organisational board for Slovenian regional days symposium
- assistant professor at postgraduate school ZRC SAZU
Recognitions and awards
Distinction of the Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia, 2022
ZRC SAZU Silver Award for a top-level PhD, 2023
Selected publications
- Bole, D., Goluža, M., Kozina, J. 2024: Linking industrial culture and human agency in three (post)industrial towns : collective and individual agency shaping development paths. Geoforum 150.
- Goluža, M. 2023: Conflicting interests in transport infrastructure planning : theoretical approaches and practical implications of conflict management in planning processes. Young Geographers: showcasing research contributions in geography. Key challenges in Geography.
- Tiran, J., Bole, D., Gabrovec, M., Goluža, M., Pipan, P. et. al. 2023: Opredelitev prevozne revščine v Sloveniji. Regionalni razvoj 9, Zeleni prehod na regionalni ravni.
- Goluža, M. 2022: Konflikti v prostorskem načrtovanju : kritični pregled teoretičnih pristopov k zmanjševanju konfliktnosti. Doktorska disertacija. Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana.
- Goluža, M. 2022: Konflikti v prostorskem načrtovanju : kritični pregled teoretičnih pristopov k zmanjševanju konfliktnosti. Geografski vestnik 94-1.
- Nared, J., Pečar, J., Goluža, M., et al. 2021: Atlas on quality of life in Slovenia. ESPON.
- Goluža, M., Šubic Kovač, M., Kos, D., Bole, D. 2021: How the state legitimizes national development projects : the third development axis case study, Slovenia. Acta geographica Slovenica 61-2.
- Goluža, M. 2021: Transport. Atlas on quality of life in Slovenia. ESPON. Luxembourg.
- Goluža, M. 2021: Učinkovitost participativnega načrtovanja pri reševanju konfliktov: primer prostorskega umeščanja tretje razvojne osi na Koroškem. V: Geršič, M. (ur.), Bat, M. Koroška: od preteklosti do perspektiv. Ljubljana: Zveza geografov Slovenije.
- Goluža, M. 2020: Planning major transport infrastructure: benefits and limitations of the participatory decision-making processes. V: Nared, J. (ur.), Bole, D. (ur.). Participatory research and planning in practice. Cham: SpringerLink.
- Goluža, M., Ostruh, K. 2020: Velenje - idealno mesto z izzivi na področju prometa. V: Bole, D. (ur.). Velenje, industrijsko mesto v preobrazbi. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2020. Str. 69-80, Knjižna zbirka Capacities.
- Bole, D., Goluža, M., Tiran, J., Kumer, P., Topole, M., Nared, J. 2020: The settlement system in Slovenia. V: PERKO, Drago (ur.), CIGLIČ, Rok (ur.), ZORN, Matija (ur.). The geography of Slovenia: small but diverse. Cham: Springer Nature.
- Goluža, M., Zorn, M. 2017. Spremembe škodnega potenciala na poplavnih območjih Ljubljanskega barja med letoma 2003 in 2015. V: Zorn, M. (ur.), et al. Trajnostni razvoj mest in naravne nesreče. Naravne nesreče 4. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, str. 125-132.
Selected projects
Improving the position of Women in the labour markets of peripheral INdustrial regions (applied research project • January 1, 2024 - June 30, 2026)
Places that don’t matter? Socio-economic transformation of industrial towns in Switzerland and Slovenia (fundamental research project • November 1, 2020 - October 31, 2024)
CARE4CLIMATE (January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2026)
Mobility poverty in the Republic of Slovenia (target research project • October 1, 2022 - May 31, 2024)
TranStat - Transitions to Sustainable Ski Tourism in the Alps of Tomorrow (applied project • November 1, 2022 - October 31, 2025)
Integrative Approach to Transport Corridors and Transport Nodes Development (target research project • September 1, 2021 - November 15, 2024)
Policentrično omrežje središč in dostopnost prebivalstva do storitev splošnega in splošnega gospodarskega pomena (applied research project • September 7, 2015 - March 24, 2016)
Geography of Slovenia - national research programme (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)
Places that don’t matter? Socio-economic transformation of industrial towns in Switzerland and Slovenia (fundamental research project • November 1, 2020 - October 31, 2024)
CARE4CLIMATE (January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2026)
Mobility poverty in the Republic of Slovenia (target research project • October 1, 2022 - May 31, 2024)
TranStat - Transitions to Sustainable Ski Tourism in the Alps of Tomorrow (applied project • November 1, 2022 - October 31, 2025)
Integrative Approach to Transport Corridors and Transport Nodes Development (target research project • September 1, 2021 - November 15, 2024)
Policentrično omrežje središč in dostopnost prebivalstva do storitev splošnega in splošnega gospodarskega pomena (applied research project • September 7, 2015 - March 24, 2016)
Geography of Slovenia - national research programme (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)