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Natural landscape types of Slovenia


On the basis of digital data on relief, rock, and vegetation, the most significant elements of the internal structure of Slovene landscapes and at the same time of their external appearance, the geographic information system and verification in the field will be employed to elaborate a natural landscape typification of Slovenia. The most important natural landscape types in Slovenia will be defined, analyzed, and evaluated as relatively homogenous natural spatial units that similarly influence the social elements of the landscape and respond in a similar way to spatial development by society and require similar protection. Thematic maps of the natural landscape typification of Slovenia will be elaborated as a resource for research in the framework of numerous scientific branches, in the regionalization of Slovenia, in spatial planning, in the protection of Slovenia’s natural heritage, in regional planning, and in the preservation of the diversity of Slovenia’s landscapes.

Research Project

geografski informacijski sistem
digitalni model višin
regionalni razvoj
oblikovanost površja
pokrajinski tip
geografska tipizacija
geografska regionalizacija
