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Maja Topole, PhD
Head of Geographical Library

+386 1 470 63 55

+386 1 425 77 93

B. Sc. in Geography and Ethnology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 1985. Slovenia
M. Sc. in Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 1990.  Slovenia
Ph. D. in Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 1995. Slovenia

Research interests
physical geography, regional geography, geographical regionalization, agricultural geography, land use changes, spatial and funtional changes in built-up areas, natural and cultural heritage  protection, geoecology

Other activities
Member of the Science Council of the Institute
Secretary of the Slovene Governmental Commission for the Standardisation of Geographical Names

Municipal award for 2004 for the monograph Geografija občine Moravče, The Moravče Commune, 2004
Melik Award for young researchers for the monograph Mirnska dolina, Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia, 1999
Prešeren Award for students, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 1986
Kidrič Award for undergraduate study, University of Ljubljana, 1986