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Possible ecological control of flood hazard in the hill regions of Hungary and Slovenia


In the project, we analysed natural and anthropogenic landscape elements that influence hydrogeographic conditions and evaluated possible solutions for flood management. The research area included selected hills in northeastern Slovenia and southern Hungary. The project was conducted in collaboration with the University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Geography. The project took place at different spatial scales.

Project Stages

The project lasted three years and was extended for one year. In the first phase we collected literature, sources, spatial data and installed monitoring devices. We also acquired all the documentation for the use of UAVs. In the second phase, we started spatial analysis of natural and anthropogenic factors (e.g., land use analysis), and we also started mapping water bodies in the field and observing processes with drones. In this phase, we also started preparing publications of study results and participating in scientific conferences. In the third phase, we continued monitoring and prepared various research articles and chapters. Details can be found in the report under Results section.


The presentation of the work and the results is available in the final report: Final Report (pdf file).

Research papers and chapters

  • Ciglič, R., Deriaz, J., Zorn, M., Ferk, M., Loczy, D. 2019: Analiza promjene uporabe zemljišta na primjeru panonskih brda u Sloveniji/Land use change analysis: a case study from Pannonian low-hills in Slovenia. Ekonomska i ekohistorija 15. [COBISS.SI-ID 46022957]
  • Ciglič, R., Nagy, G. 2019: Naturalness level of land use in a hilly region in north-eastern Slovenia/Stopnja naravnosti gričevnatega sveta severovzhodne Slovenije z vidika rabe tal. Geografski vestnik 91-1. DOI: 10.3986/GV91101 [COBISS.SI-ID 45963309]
  • Ciglič, R., Ferk, M. 2020: Opazovanje pobočnih procesov z brezpilotnim letalnikom na primeru plazov v Slovenskih goricah. Modeliranje pokrajine, GIS v Sloveniji 15. Ljubljana. DOI: 10.3986/9789610504696_08 [COBISS.SI-ID 28637187]
  • Deriaz, J., Ciglič, R., Ferk, M., Lóczy, D. 2019: The influence of different levels of data detail on land use change analyses: a case study of Franciscan Cadastre for a part of the Pannonian Hills, Slovenia. European Countryside 11-3. doi: 10.2478/euco-2019-0019 [COBISS.SI-ID 45198637]
  • Ferk, M., Ciglič, R., Komac, B., Lóczy, D. 2020: Management of small retention ponds and their impact on flood hazard prevention in the Slovenske Gorice Hills. Acta geographica Slovenica 60-1. DOI: 10.3986/AGS.7675 [COBISS.SI-ID 16978947]
  • Hrvatin, M., Ciglič, R., Loczy, D., Zorn, M. 2019: Določanje erozije v gričevjih severovzhodne Slovenije z Gavrilovićevo enačbo. Geografski vestnik 91-2. DOI: 10.3986/GV91206. [COBISS.SI-ID 45990445]
  • Hrvatin, M., Komac, B., Zorn, M. 2020: Water resources in Slovenia. Water resources management in Balkan countries. Springer water. Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-22468-4_3 [COBISS.SI-ID 45393709]
  • Hrvatin, M., Volk Bahun, M., Lóczy, D. 2020: Tipi hidrografskih območij v gričevjih severovzhodne Slovenije glede na značilnosti reliefa in prsti. Modeliranje pokrajine, GIS v Sloveniji 15. Ljubljana. DOI: 10.3986/9789610504696_04 [COBISS.SI-ID 28464899]
  • Komac, B., Zorn, M. 2020: Pomen negradbenih ukrepov za poplavno varnost. Geografski vestnik 92-1. doi: 10.3986/GV92106 [COBISS.SI-ID 53590275]
  • Nagy, G., Lóczy, D., Czigány Sz., Pirkhoffer, E., Fábián, S. Á., Ciglič, R., Ferk, M. 2020: Soil moisture retention on slopes under different agricultural land uses in hilly regions of Southern Transdanubia. Hungarian geographical bulletin 69-3. doi: 10.15201/hungeobull.69.3.3 [COBISS.SI-ID 31177475]
  • Nagy, G., Lóczy, D., Czigány, Sz., Hrvatin, M., Ciglič, R. 2021: Comparison of soil moisture indices and field measurements in hilly agricultural lands of SW Hungary. Acta geographica Debrecina, Landscape & environment series 15-1. DOI: 10.21120/LE/15/1/7 [COBISS.SI-ID 72012035]

Research abstracts (presentations at conferences)

  • Ciglič, R., Ferk, M., Deriaz, J., Zorn, M., Lóczy, D., Tičar, J., Hrvatin, M., Komac, B. 2019a: Land use change analysis in the Pannonian Region: the case study of Jarenina Creek (Jareninski potok), Slovenia. Abstracts and guide book. Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 45178413]
  • Ciglič, R., Ferk, M., Deriaz, J., Zorn, M., Lóczy, D., Tičar, J., Hrvatin, M., Komac, B. 2019b: Spremembe rabe tal v Slovenkih goricah (Porečje Drave, Slovenija)/Land use change in the Slovenske gorice low hills (Drava River basin, Slovenia)/Promjena korištenja zemljišta u Slovenskim goricama (sliv rijeke Drave, Slovenija). Knjiga sažetaka/Book of abstracts. Koprivnica, Zagreb. [COBISS.SI-ID 44705837]
  • Ciglič, R., Ferk, M., Hrvatin, M., Komac, B., Tičar, J., Zorn, M., Deriaz, J., Lóczy, D. 2019: Geoinformation analyses of land-use changes in Northeast Slovenia: a case study of the Jarenina Creek catchment. RSCy2019: Seventh International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment, 18-21 March, 2019. Pahpos, Limassol. [COBISS.SI-ID 44500781]
  • Ciglič, R., Ferk, M., Tičar, J., Kobal, M., Lóczy, D. 2018: Možnosti uporabe brezpilotnih letalnikov v geomorfologiji. Ekskurzije in povzetki. Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 43472685]
  • Nagy, G., Ciglič, R., Czigány, Sz., Hrvatin, M., Fábián, Sz. Á., Ferk, M., Pirkhoffer, E., Zorn, M., Lóczy, D. 2019: Topographic wetness index usability for the identification of soil moisture contents in SW Hungary. Abstracts and guide book. Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 45190701]
  • Lóczy, D., Nagy, G., Czigány, Sz., Gyenizse, P., Pirkhoffer, E., Zorn, M., Ciglič, R., Fábián, Sz. Á., Varga, G., Markovics, B. 2019: Landscape pattern and runoff in agricultural hilly regions: mapping and monitoring. Book of abstracts. Praga. [COBISS.SI-ID 44704813]
  • Nagy, G., Dezső, J., Pirkhoffer, E., Ciglič, R.,Czigány, Sz. 2018: Teraszos és lejtős művelésű területek víztartó képességének összehasonlítása vályog talajok esetében. [Comparison of the water capacity of cultivated terraces and sloping areas at loam texture soils]. Program és Absztrakt füzet [Program and book of abstracts]. Budimpešta. [COBISS.SI-ID 43565357]

Invited lectures

  • Ciglič, R. 2019: Evaluating suitability of numeric raster data layers according to landscape analysis scale : case study, NE Slovenia: predavanje na delavnici GIS und Fernerkundung in der Landschaftsanalyse v okvirju seminarja Geokolloquium, Universität Graz, Institut für Geographie und Raumforschung, 12. junij 2019. [COBISS.SI-ID 45071149]
  • Ciglič, R. Possible ecological control of flood hazard in the hilly regions of Hungary and Slovenia - Slovenian part : predavanje na University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Pécs (Madžarska), 19. april 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 42908717]
  • Zorn, M. Erosion processes in Slovenia: a short overview : predavanje na University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Pécs (Madžarska), 19. april 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 42893357]

Research Project

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