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MEDFEST general objective is to create or improve existing strategies relating to sustainable tourism development within the traditional MED small-scale culinary sector. Main aim is to develop sustainable culinary experiences, primarily in rural costal hinterland as a powerful tool to promote ‘alternative’ and sustainable tourist destinations in MED space. Sustainable culinary experiences are alternative tourist food-products that are traditional, respect the local environment and local producers and appeal to the visitor's desire for authenticity. The goal of the sustainable tourist offer is not just to attract new visitors but also to increase economic activity in/during the off-season, promote social development of coastal ‘hinterland’ rural areas and safeguard culinary heritage and raise awareness on the importance of local produce, food processing and knowledge. General objective of the MEDFEST project will fully contribute to the programme Specific Objective 3.1: To enhance the development of a sustainable and responsible coastal and maritime tourism in the MED area.

MEDFEST shall:
- Create tools for enhancing sustainable tourist destinations by using culinary heritage as a resource;
- Foster the creation of eight new sustainable tourist destinations in MED space;
- Develop a common transnational strategy on managing and planning culinary tourism in MED space.

Snapshots from Ljubljana kick-off meeting (29–30 November 2016)

MEDFEST official website:

Research Project

sustainable tourism
culinary experience
coastal hinterland