Janez Nared, PhD
Principal Research Associate
+386 1 470 65 48
Research interests
B. Sc. in Geography and Sociology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 2001
Ph. D. in Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 2007
M. A. in law, European Law School, Nova Gorica, 2009
Research fields
regional planning, regional development, regional policy, spatial planning, economic geography, participatory planning
Other activities
- member of the ZRC SAZU Board of Directors
- member of the Steering committee of the symposium “Slovenian regional days”
- co-editor of the Regional development
- member of the Acta geographica Slovenica scientific review editorial board
- chief editor for regional planning of the Acta geographica Slovenica
- member of the Folia geographica scientific review editorial board
- ambasador of the Regional Studies Association for Slovenia
- member of the Committe for the Economy of the Regional Development Council of the Ljubljana Urban Region
- assistant profesor at the University of Primorska, Faculty of humanities
- president of the International Scientific Commitee on Alpine Research
Recognitions and awards
Faculty of Arts Prešeren Award for students, University of Ljubljana, 2001
Selected publications
- Nared, J., Repolusk, P., Zavodnik Lamovšek, A., Foški, M., Mrak, G. 2023: Demografska analiza in projekcije za podeželska in urbana območja v Sloveniji. Založba ZRC, Ljubljana.
- Nared, J., Repolusk, P., Kavaš, D., Zavodnik Lamovšek, A., Čok, G., Mrak, G. 2022: Spodbujanje razvoja obmejnih problemskih območij v Sloveniji. Založba ZRC, Ljubljana.
- Nared, J. (ur.) 2021: Atlas on Quality of Life in Slovenia. ESPON: Luxemburg.
- Nared, J. 2020: Regional development in Slovenia. The geography of Slovenia: small but diverse. Cham: Springer Nature.
- Nared, J., Bole, D., Razpotnik Visković, N., Tiran, J. 2020: Slovenian economy. The geography of Slovenia: small but diverse. Cham: Springer Nature.
- Bole, D., Goluža, M., Tiran, J., Kumer, P., Topole, M., Nared, J. 2020: The settlement system in Slovenia. The geography of Slovenia: small but diverse. Cham: Springer Nature.
- Nared, J. (ur.) 2019: Transforming European metropolitan regions: smart mobility for better liveability. 1st e-ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Nared, J., Hudoklin, J., Kavaš, D., Zavodnik Lamovšek, A. 2019. Model povezovanja prostorskega in razvojnega načrtovanja na regionalni ravni. Založba ZRC, Ljubljana.
- Nared, J. 2018: Local self-government reforms in Slovenia: discourse on centrality and peripherality. Nature, tourism and ethnicity as drivers of (de)marginalization: insights to marginality from perspective of sustainability and development, Cham: Springer Nature.
- Rus, P; Nared, J., Bojnec, Š. 2018: Forms, areas, and spatial characteristics of intermunicipal cooperation in the Ljubljana urban region. Acta geographica Slovenica 58-2.
- Gabrovec, M., Komac, B., Kozina, J., Polajnar Horvat, K., Nared, J., Smrekar, A., Topole, M., Urbanc, M. 2017: Triglav National Park, Slovenia, and its contribution to regional development. Eco.mont 9.
- Nared, J., Bole, D., Breg Valjavec, M., Ciglič, R., Goluža, M., Kozina, J., Razpotnik Visković, N., Repolusk, P., Rus, P., Tiran, J., Černič Istenič, M. 2017: Centralna naselja v Sloveniji leta 2016. Acta geographica Slovenica, 57-2.
- Nared. J., Razpotnik Visković, N. 2016: Somestja v Sloveniji. Geografski vestnik 88-2.
Selected projects
Geography of Slovenia - national research programme (research programme • January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2027)
Evaluation of regional policy measures in Slovenia in the programming period 2014-2020 (target research project • October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2025)
Integrative Approach to Transport Corridors and Transport Nodes Development (target research project • September 1, 2021 - November 15, 2024)
Intersectoral Coordination of Problem Border Areas Development (November 1, 2019 - April 30, 2021)
SMART-MR (INTERREG • April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2021)
Comprehensive demographic analysis with demographic projections for rural and urban areas (target research program • April 1, 2018 - November 30, 2019)
CAPACities (applied project • October 1, 2008 - March 31, 2011)
CATCH_MR (applied project • January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2012)
CHERPLAN (applied project • January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2013)
WIKIAlps (applied project • October 1, 2013 - December 31, 2014)
Policentrično omrežje središč in dostopnost prebivalstva do storitev splošnega in splošnega gospodarskega pomena (applied research project • September 7, 2015 - March 24, 2016)
Model of joined physical and development planning at the regional level (target research project • October 1, 2016 - March 31, 2018)
Evaluation of regional policy measures in Slovenia in the programming period 2014-2020 (target research project • October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2025)
Integrative Approach to Transport Corridors and Transport Nodes Development (target research project • September 1, 2021 - November 15, 2024)
Intersectoral Coordination of Problem Border Areas Development (November 1, 2019 - April 30, 2021)
SMART-MR (INTERREG • April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2021)
Comprehensive demographic analysis with demographic projections for rural and urban areas (target research program • April 1, 2018 - November 30, 2019)
CAPACities (applied project • October 1, 2008 - March 31, 2011)
CATCH_MR (applied project • January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2012)
CHERPLAN (applied project • January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2013)
WIKIAlps (applied project • October 1, 2013 - December 31, 2014)
Policentrično omrežje središč in dostopnost prebivalstva do storitev splošnega in splošnega gospodarskega pomena (applied research project • September 7, 2015 - March 24, 2016)
Model of joined physical and development planning at the regional level (target research project • October 1, 2016 - March 31, 2018)