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Model of joined physical and development planning at the regional level


The purpose of the project is to develop a model of integrated spatial and development planning at the regional level. Since Slovenia does not have administrative regions as the second level of local self‐government, planning at the regional level depends on the organization of each sector. Regional policy is implemented through the development regions and established administrative structures (regional development agencies), decision‐making bodies (regional development council and regional council) and regional development programs. On the other hand, the beginnings of spatial planning at the regional level were provided with regulations from 2002. This was followed by a few case studies of regional spatial development plans but was again eliminated with the reform of legislation in 2007. In the search for possible solutions for planning at the regional level it is also necessary to take into account the existing operating structures and upgrade them in a way that planning at the regional level will be integrated. It is necessary to add a spatial component to regional development programs (development planning)and to establish spatial planning at the regional level (spatial planning). Institutional aspect is also important in regional planning. In the absence of administrative regions the authority and responsibility for planning at the regional level can only be at the country or municipal level. The latter can be further integrated within the joint municipal administration, which has so far been only partially exploited, and even then mainly for inspection services and constabulary.

With a view of preparing a model of integrated spatial and development planning we will:
‐ develop a set of tasks of regional / inter‐municipal significance;
‐ integrate spatial and regional development planning;
‐ create a model of governance at regional / inter‐municipal level; and
‐ evaluate the proposed model in selected regional projects in cooperation with RDA business interest association.

These goals will be achieved through five work packages (WP):
WP 1: Project Management (coordinated by the ZRC SAZU)
WP 2: Dissemination of results (coordinated by the ZRC SAZU)
WP 3: Evaluation of the existing systems of spatial and development planning from the perspective of an integrated regional planning (coordinated by ACER)
WP 4: Preparation of set of tasks of regional and inter‐municipal significance (coordinated by IER)
WP 5: Development of a model of integrated spatial and development planning at the regional level (coordinated by the UL FGG)

During the assessment of existing spatial and development planning systems (WP3) we will focus on clear definitions, analysis of the systems of planning at the regional level in Slovenia, examples of good practices from abroad, identifying key stakeholders ‐ both from the content and legal point of view (jurisdiction). The WP 4 will be based on the analysis of the context and with the use of a questionnaire, interviews and workshops we will identify the scope and content of tasks at the regional and inter‐municipal level, and the final version of the document will be aligned with the contracting authority. Based on the defined scope and content of tasks at regional and inter‐municipal level, existing spatial and development planning systems and legal framework a model of integrated spatial and development planning at the regional level will be prepared. The model will be checked at a workshop and tested (pilot) in collaboration with RDA business interest association. The final model of integrated spatial and development planning at the regional level will be prepared by the testing experience (pilot) and will be submitted to the contracting authority in the "ready to use" form.

During the project we will put particular attention to the dissemination of the project results by updating partners' websites, publishing press releases, organising two workshops and public consultation. We will publish in scientific journals and monographs and present the results of the project at professional and scientific conferences. By creating a model of integrated spatial and development planning at the regional level we will contribute to a more sustainable and comprehensive planning, building and maintaining the development potentials of the Slovene regions, a significant contribution is also expected in the field of inter‐municipal cooperation.

During the project, an effective transfer of knowledge from theory into practice will be ensured, based on the experience gained from the pilot test as well as vice versa ‐ from practice to theory.

Research Project

regionalno planiranje
regionalna politika
prostorsko planiranje
regionalni razvoj