Anja Trobec, BA
+386 1 4706 544
Research interests
B.Sc. in Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2013.
Ph.D. student of Humanities and Social Sciences (field: Geography) at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Research fields
Spatial planning, sustainable development, geographic information system, natural resources, protection of the environment, environmental interpretation.
Other activities
- member of organization committee of symposium Slovenian regional days
- member of organization committee of Geographic Information Systems in Slovenia Symposium
- member of organization committee of ZRC SAZU Early Career Researchers Symposium
- member of Interpret Europe – European Association for Heritage Interpretation
- member of Ljubljana Geographical Society
Selected presentations and lectures
- Protected areas of cultural landscapes as an opportunity to strengthen sustainable agricultural practices. Paper presented at the 9th ZRC SAZU Early Career Researchers' Symposium, Ljubljana, 11. 9. 2021
- Inventory of brownfields in the Upper Carniola, Central Slovenia, Central Sava, Lower Sava and the Southeast Slovenia Statistical Region. Public presentation of the results of student research paper in the blue room, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 27. 5. 2011
- Brownfields - research and pedagogical challenge for geographers. Spokesperson at the roundtable in the blue room, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 4. 12. 2012
Recognitions and awards
Distinction of the Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia, 2022
Award of the Slovene Human Resources and Scholarship Fund for contribution to the sustainable development of society for 2011
Confirmation of personal ranking among 5% best students in generation 2007-2011
Award of Conference of Slovenian Geographers for the best student work during the periode 2009 - 2013
Selected publications
- Trobec, A. 2022: Challenges in Assessing the Level of Plant-Based Food Self-Sufficiency Using Publicly Available Data in the Regional Context of Slovenia. European Countryside, 14-1, str. 104–120.
- Nared, J., Pečar, J., Goluža, M., Logar, E., Pipan, P., Trobec, A., Komac, B., Rus, P., Čonč, Š., Volk Bahun, M., Goosse, T., Del Castillo, H. 2021: Atlas on Quality of Life in Slovenia. ESPON, Luxembourg.
- Trobec, A. 2015: Vloga interpretacije dediščine v narodnih parkih. Geografski vestnik, 87-1, str. 63-79.
- Cvahte, A., 2013: Interpretacija naravne in kulturne dediščine v Triglavskem narodnem parku in Narodnem parku Fiordland (Nova Zelandija) v luči geografije (Interpretation of natural and cultural heritage in Triglav National Park and National Park Fiordland (New Zealand) from geographical point of view). Diploma thesis. Filozofska fakulteta.
- Cvahte, A., Snoj, L., 2011: Geografsko vrednotenje degradiranih območij v izbranih statističnih regijah (Geographical evaluation of brownfields in selected statistical regions). Dela 36.
- Cvahte, A., Dovečar, M., 2010: Eko konferenca društva Planet Zemlja : 22. in 23. april 2010, hotel Mons (Eco conference of the Planet Earth Society : 22 and 23 April 2010, Mons Hotel). Geomix, 16-2, str. 6-8.
Selected projects
Geography of Slovenia - national research programme (research programme • January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2027)