Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Janez Nared, PhD-
Original Title
Cooperative approaches to transport challenges in Metropolitan Regions
Project Team
David Bole, PhD, Matej Gabrovec, PhD, Asst. Prof. Jani Kozina, PhD-
1 January 2010–31 December 2012 -
Project Leader
Frank Segebade
Financial Source
Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj
Province of Rome, The Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities, Budapest Transport Association, Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region, Municipality of Budapest, Vienna City Administration, Government of Lower Austria, Joint Spatial Planning Department of Berlin and Brandenburg, City of Oslo, Akershus County, BIC Lazio
The project’s objective is to improve the quality of life and competitiveness of the Metropolitan Regions. A key strategy for achieving this is strengthening efficient and environmentally-friendly passenger transport services between each metropolis and its surrounding region. This project shall present good models of sustainable land use and transport development in the participating Metropolitan Regions and investigate their transferability for other regions. The efficient, reliable and sustainable delivery of transport constitutes a major prerequisite for economic growth. This applies especially to the Metropolitan Regions as driving forces for development. Metropolitan Regions are central nodes for local, regional and international transport and they have to manage steadily increasing transport volumes. The Metropolitan Regions face big challenges concerning the organisation of transport infrastructure and services. In addition to the financial requirements, they have to take into account the issue of the demographic change as well as the requirements of environmental and climate protection. Learning from good examples should help to cope better with these future tasks in Europe. The participants in Catch_MR are organising an exchange of experiences between the Metropolitan Regions and will produce information and findings on the following interrelated fields:
- reduction in transport demand, in particular through better coordination of land use and transport planning,
- modal shift, in particular by increasing attractiveness of the local public transport,
- increased use of efficient and low-emission technologies in private and public transport.
The participants are pursuing an integrated approach that investigates particularly the following issues:
- reasons for urban sprawl and possible planning tools,
- increase of attractiveness of the local public transport by improved framework conditions,
- promotion of an intensified use of renewable resources in passenger transport by affordable technologies and the creation of the necessary infrastructure,
- strengthened cooperation between metropolis and region for joint planning.