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Green avalanche – yesterday, today, tomorrow - 70 years of regular observations of the Triglav glacier

Collection description

The exhibition features the exploration of Triglav glacier which is one of the oldest continual Slovenian research projects.


In 2016 we were celebrating 70th anniversary of the first official measurements of the Triglav glacier, which took place on September 5th 1946. This was also one of the first tasks of today’s Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU founded in the same year. Researches of the Triglav glacier are one of the oldest continual Slovenian research projects. The old geographical name Green avalanche is closely linked to the first mention of the glacier in 1778, and thus coincide also with the first ascent on the Triglav (2864 m), the highest Slovenian peak and national symbol. The glacier is situated on the most south-eastern margin of the Alps, hence it is very sensitive to climate changes. At the beginning of the measurements, the surface covered some  15 hectares; to this day it shrank to one and a half hectare – it is now ten times smaller  (its volume by three hundreds). Apart from glacier ice, no other glacier characteristics remain, so we can speak about a glacier only due to it’s past,  when the glacier undoubtedly had all the basic characteristics of alpine glaciers. Through eleven exhibition panels five thematic complex are shown: surface relief forms characteristics on the glacier area, sources from the period before regular measurements, glacier measurement techniques, its fluctuation as well as weather and climate conditions.

Setting up of the exhibition was enabled by the regional museum Gornjesavski muzej Jesenice and the dairy company Ljubljanske mlekarne.

The translation and printing of the English version was made possible with the support of the US Embassy in Slovenia.  

If you  are interested in showing it to your audiences, please contact the caretaker via the above mentioned email or via phone number +386 1 470 63 61.

Special edition
Triglav glacier (information sign of The Triglav National Park at Kredarica)
This sign was funded by Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d.
Edited by: Miha Pavšek
Published: July, 2018