BLUE - Restoring urban blue spaces through nature-based solutions and social interventions to improve human well being and environment
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Katarina Polajnar Horvat, PhD-
Original Title
Obnova mestnih modrih površin z na naravi temelječimi rešitvami in socialnimi intervencijami za izboljšanje blaginje ljudi in okolja
Project Team
Aleš Smrekar, PhD, Dan Podjed, PhD, Daniela Alexandra Teixeira da Costa Ribeiro, PhD, Blaž Komac, PhD, Anja Trobec, BA, Lenart Štaut, dr. Špela Hudnik, dr. Andrej Mahovič-
Project ID
1 January 2025–1 January 2028 -
Lead Partner
Financial Source
ARIS - Slovenian Research And Innovation Agency
Fakulteta za arhitekturo, UL
Like green spaces, blue spaces mitigate negative anthropogenic impacts on the environment, provide recreation and relaxation, and are one of the most aesthetically pleasing elements of the landscape. In modern cities, the population needs are changing and consequentially the use of urban blue spaces becomes more diversified. The project determines and highlight different aspects on how urban blue spaces have affected human well-being recently, what was their role in the past and how it will be in the future, considering even more intensive climate heating in/of cities. It summarizes the restorative and recovery role of urban blue spaces in human well-being and the environmental role of urban blue spaces in mitigating the effects of urban heat islands. The project aims to consider the mitigating role of urban blue space in three cities that are facing different intensities of urban heat islands (Ljubljana, Koper, Kočevje). The project activities provide the accomplishment of four main objectives:
1. To compare the types of urban blue spaces in different cities and to explore the influencing factors of blue spaces on human well-being and the environment;
2. To analyze people’s attitudes toward different types of urban blue spaces;
3. To develop nature-based solutions and social interventions;
4. To disseminate the information and results of the applied approach.
To make the results and methodology internationally relevant we study the role of most common types of urban blue spaces (seas, lakes, and rivers). Complementing the quantitative and qualitative methods and socio-environmental participatory approach, the project provides innovative nature-based solutions and social interventions for further sustainable management and development of existing urban blue spaces and new urban blue spaces on urban heat islands. Besides, the project works also on citizen’s awareness and develop innovative social interventions (workshops with hands-on creative work) tailored to urban population.
Research objectives
The aim of the project is to explore the characteristics of different types of blue spaces in urban environments in Slovenia. In particular, the project recognizes the role of urban blue spaces by focusing in to aspects:
Human-wellbeing: the relationship between blue spaces, human well-being and social perception of blue spaces;
Environment: the role of blue spaces for urban heat islands mitigation (also connected with human well-being).
Thus, the project provides the understanding on how different types of blue spaces (seas, lakes, and rivers) in urban environments differ in terms of their impact on human well-being and to what extent they can mitigate the effects of heat islands in urban environments.
The specific objectives of the project are:
1. To compare the types of urban blue spaces in different cities and to explore the influencing factors of blue spaces on human well-being and the environment). We intend to study the development, spatial characteristics, and intensity of use of different types of blue spaces in urban environments.
2. To analyze people’s attitudes toward different types of urban blue spaces. We identify people’s attitudes toward different types of urban blue spaces, define their values, analyze their attitudes, and study their behaviors.
3. To develop nature-based solutions and social interventions. We determine what advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and threats urban blue spaces (seas, lakes, and rivers) have for the human well-being and the environment.
4. To disseminate the information and results of the applied approach. By presenting new theoretical and empirical information gained during the project, which is an extension of national and European recommendations, we improve our understanding of the various functions of the selected blue spaces.
To understand the impact of different types of blue spaces (seas, lakes, and rivers) in urban environments on well-being and the environment in different landscapes, the research will include a range of quantitative and qualitative methods that we use in geography. In this way, we will be able to comprehensively address and understand the complex processes of the relationship between people and the environment.
Activity 1. Identify and compare different types of blue spaces and their effects on human well-being and the environment through time and place.
Activity 2. Analysis of residents’ attitudes toward different types of urban blue spaces.
Activity 3. Restoration of urban blue-spaces using nature-based solutions and social interventions.
Activity 4. Expansion of knowledge and findings.
Foto: Andrej Tarfila