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Daily Mobility to Work and School


The main goal of the entire project was so to investigate problems of daily commuting of workers, pupil and students, especially from the modal split point of view. The project is structured in two parts. The first part of the project is an extensive analysis of modal split by different relations (routes) and groups of commuters (pupils, secondary school pupils, students and workers). We tried to establish the areas in Slovenia where the usage of public transport (PT) is the weakest and to give probable causes of that. The data of modal split was compared with the supply of PT and with this we established that there is a significant link between high PT usage and high quality and competitiveness offer of PT vis-à-vis personal transportation. Next chapter was dedicated to particular pilot areas where the supply of PT was greatly improved (Dol pri Ljubljani, Koper–Ankaran, Idrija, Nova Gorica). With the method of field interviewing and passenger counting we found out that the greatly improved offer of PT does not necessarily cause a greater demand for PT and thus the shift towards a more sustainable mobility. We also examined the change-over points with methods of field interviewing and transportation modeling. We tried to explain when the change-over from one mode of transport to another is feasible and competitive with car transportation. The main goal of the second part of the project was to develop transport model which will be used for evaluation of possible measures aiming to establish effective, interoperable urban, suburban and interurban passenger rail and bus traffic. We also investigated possibilities for the implementation of existing measures, their extensions, or their combinations in the transport system of daily commuters. A specially developed contemporary disaggregated 4-phased traffic model for passenger traffic in Ljubljana region was employed to estimate traffic in the corridor of Kranj – Škofja Loka – Ljubljana. The traffic model includes private and public traffic, bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The following changes in public transport were evaluated: • increase the frequency of passenger trains, • introduction of dedicated bus lanes (bus/taxi only) along Celovška cesta, • introduction of a park and ride system (P & R). We conclude that each of these scenarios or measures improves existing public transport, bus as well as rail. The forecasted results of all of the above three scenarios show that they may significantly increase the number of public transport users. Synthesis of the mentioned analysis is in the form of 10 possible recommendations of promoting more sustainable modes of transportation by commuters.

Map of daily commuters.

Research Project

javni potniški promet
izbira prometnega sredstva
dnevna mobilnost