Kraški artefakti na severnem delu Nullarborja
Vodja projekta na ZRC
Dr. (Avstralija) Matej Lipar-
Naslov v izvirniku
Karst artefacts of the remote northern part of the Nullarbor Plain
Dr. (Avstralija) Matej Lipar, Dr. Mateja Ferk-
Trajanje projekta
6. november 2017–5. november 2023 -
Finančni vir
TandemX, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Sloven…
- 2022 – Earth Surface Processes and Landforms - Enigmatic annular landform on a Miocene planar karst surface, Nullarbor Plain, Australia
- 2022 – The Conversation - A giant ‘bullseye’ on the Nullarbor Plain was created by ancient sea life
- 2020 – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology – Etched linear dunefields of the Nullarbor Plain; A record of Pliocene-Pleistocene wind patterns across southern Australia
- 2019 – International Journal of Speleology – Sulfur ( 34 S/ 32 S) isotope composition of gypsum and implications for deep cave formation on the Nullarbor Plain.
- 2025 – GDS (Geomorfološko društvo Slovenije) Conference - Denudirane jame na ravnini Nullarbor: vpogled v evolucijo jam od izvornih rovov do oblikovanosti na površju
- 2023 – ASF (Australian Speleological Federation) Conference - The link between shallow longitudinal depressions and deep caves on the Nullarbor Plain
- 2023 – ASF (Australian Speleological Federation) Conference - Bullseyeʼ structure on the Nullarbor Plain as evidence of an ancient reef complex
- 2022 – ANZGG (Australian and New Zeland Geomorphology Group) Biennal Conference - Enigmatic annular landform on the Nullarbor Plain, Australia
- 2022 – ANZGG (Australian and New Zeland Geomorphology Group) Biennal Conference - Denuded caves on the Nullarbor Plain, Australia
- 2019 - ANZGG (Australian & New Zealand Geomorphology Group Conference) – Deep caves on the Nullarbor Plain, Australia - Povzetek
- 2018 - IKS (International Karstological School »Classical Karst«) – Relicts of the earliest processes on an emerging carbonate platform. - Povzetek
Raziskovalni projekt
Ključne besede
daljinsko zaznavanje
digitalni relief modela