He died on 17th October 2013 in a plane crash when taking photographs of the Julian Alps for the institute project.
B. Sc. in Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 2004
Ph. D. in Conservation of Natural Heritage, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, 2011
Research fields
regional geography, protection of the environment, nature conservation, geomorphology, geodiversity, geomorphological heritage
Other activities
President of Ljubljana Geographical Society
member of the organisational board of the triennial symposium Natural disasters in Slovenia
member of the commission for the research area of Ecology and Environment Protection at the Young researchers reunion of Slovenia, Association for Technical Culture of Slovenia
member of the editorial board of Digital Encyclopedia of Slovenian natural and cultural heritage
Erhartič, B. 2004: Presoja uporabnosti rastlinskih čistilnih naprav pri planinskih postojankah Triglavskega narodnega parka (Estimation of constructed wetlands applicability at Triglav national park mountain huts). Bachelor thesis. Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Ljubljana.
Erhartič, B. 2010: Geomorphosite assessment. Acta geographica Slovenica 50-2. Ljubljana.
Erhartič, B. 2011: Naravovarstveno vrednotenje geomorfološke dediščine v Dolini Triglavskih jezer z metodo geomorfološkega kartiranja. Doktorska disertacija. (Nature protection assessment of geomorphosites in the Triglav Lakes Valley with the method of geomorphological mapping. Doctoral dissertation.) Ljubljana.
Smrekar, A., Erhartič, B., Šmid Hribar, M. 2011: Krajinski park Tivoli, Rožnik in Šišenski hrib. (Landscape park Tivoli, Rožnik and Šišenski hrib.) Georitem 16. Ljubljana.
Erhartič, B. 2012: Geomorfološka dediščina v Dolini Triglavskih jezer. (Geomorphosites in the Triglav Lakes Valley.) Geografija Slovenije 23. Ljubljana.