Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Matej Gabrovec, PhD-
Original Title
Expert Basis for the Management of Public Passenger Transport in Slovenia
Project Team
David Bole, PhD-
1 September 2008–31 July 2009 -
Project Leader
Andrej Tibaut, Ph. D.
Financial Source
Ministrstvo RS za promet
Direkcija Republike Slovenije za ceste
University of Maribor - Faculty of Civil Engineering, IGEA.
SIJPRIS is geographical information system, made to the order of the Slovenian Road Agency for the management of the economic public service of the public inter-urban bus transport. The system makes possible the implementation of conceder's tasks stipulated by law, which consist primarily of the making and maintanance of fare scales, the making and maintenance of time-schedule register and the support to running business with concessionars. Added to these basic administrative tasks are also the tasks of planning and analysing public passenger transport. The web browser provides the users with graphic presentation of all the information from the transport database. SIJPRIS is designed in such a way that in the future it will be possible to include other forms of public passenger transport in it as well.