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TUNE UP - Promoting multilevel governance for tuning up biodiversity protection in marine areas


TUNE UP is a multi-module project tackling the need for a strategic and collaborative approach to Mediterranean marine protected area’s management and biodiversity protection, by testing and capitalizing a multi-stakeholder/multi-level governance tool. TUNE UP build on WETNET Interreg Mediterranean project results exploiting the flexibility and feasibility of the River/Wetland Contract methodology further developing it to marine protected area’s management, assessing its effectiveness through the implementation of 11 marine protected area’s Contracts.
TUNE UP approach is based on vertical and horizontal subsidiarity, to achieve coordination among institutions at all involved levels, as well as to integrate funding, resources and plans. Indeed, the project ensure higher coordination among stakeholders and decision makers, limiting raising conflicts between preservation and economic issues, and enhance the goal of biodiversity protection. Thus, the project intends to achieve the following results:
1. Stronger, coordinated and proactive involvement of key stakeholders in marine protected area’s management.
2. Improved effectiveness of marine protected area’s management by integrating multilevel governance tools into national and regional policy instruments.
3. More intensive transnational cooperation and networking between Med marine protected area’s. The partnership involves different types of actors operating in marine protected area’s management, so it allows TUNE UP to ensure high transferability of main outputs to Med Countries.

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Research Project

maritime protected areas
cooperation with stakeholders
participatory planning
wetlands management
wetlands conservation