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MINERVA: MappINg Cultural HERitage: Geosciences VAlue in Higher Education


The project MINERVA: MappINg Cultural Heritage. Geosciences VAlue in Higher Education promotes and develops innovative methods and tools for teaching, learning & assessment geotechnologies for cultural heritage in Higher Education contexts.

It aims to support European teachers and learners in using geotechnologies for Cultural Heritage (CH) in creative, collaborative and efficient ways. The project is particularly relevant in the current context where effective remote learning (and working) tools as well e-platforms are required.

Logo of project:


Project Stages

IO1 is a framework for the teaching of Geotechnologies for Cultural Heritage. The aim of the IO1 is to define the key competences needed by EU HE learners, define the assessment tools and a detailed matchmaking comparison between the European labour market and the existing academic profiles offered by European universities and related to the CH sector. IO1 is led by ZRC SAZU with active contributions from all partners.

IO2 follows logically IO1 by creating and formalizing an innovative method of teaching geotechnologies and provides for a collection of didactic resources on Geotechnologies for CH Bachelor and Master students. The main axis of the conception and development of the method will be the incorporation of GIScience, Remote Sensing and Digital Cartography into the disciplines of CH (History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Cultural Management). IO2 is led by the University of St. Etienne and SAGAS Department with active contributions of all partners.

IO3 is the final output. It will consist of a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in Geotechnologies for CH designed for the target of Bachelor and Master students from the academic fields of CH. Dipylon leads IO3 with active contribution from all partners. IO3 will enable the implementation of an innovative didactic method and didactic resources (IO2) in a structured course, offering a more flexible learning and increasing didactic offer variety. Furthermore, it will familiarise the participants with the digital resources and training material available in the e-platform FEDERICA.EU especially designed to provide MOOCs courses.

The project is complemented by two intensive learning programmes in Italy and Serbia with a scheduled participation of 24 teaching staff and 30 university learners to test and provide feedback relevant for IO2 and IO3 test and accomplishment. A testing phase for IO3 is also scheduled in each country in order to complete it and finalise it with a holistic and international approach.


The first Intellectual Output (IO1) of the MINERVA project is a Competence Framework for the teaching of Geotechnologies for Cultural Heritage in Europe. The aim of IO1 is to assess the level, needs, and potentials of integrating Geotechnologies encompassing Geographical Information Systems (GIS) into Cultural Heritage (CH) at the level of higher education and professional activities. The results of the survey offer an insight into the inventory of competencies of higher education in the field of GIS for CH and the matchmaking between the labor market and higher education.

Competence Framework for Teaching Geotechnologies for Cultural Heritage – Executive Summary of Intellectual Output 1

Round table discussion Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Cultural Heritage - between teaching and application, organised by Ljubljana Geographical Society (14th September 2021) - video recording

The second Intellectual Output (IO2) - is about the teaching methods and didactic resources on geotechnologies for cultural heritage, whose expected outcome is the creation and formalization of an innovative toolkit that will be made available on the MINERVA website and related platforms and upcoming MOOC.

Teaching methods and didactic resources on geotechnologies for cultural heritage – Executive Summary of Intellectual Output 2

The third Intellectual Output (IO3) - is about shaping the MOOC for Geotechnologies teaching for CH Bachelor and Master students and teachers working in HE institutions.

A MOOC designed for Geotechnologies teaching for CH Bachelor and Master students and teachers working in HE institutions – Executive Summary of Intellectual Output 3

Moodle MINERVA platform

Research Project

pedagoški študij
cultural heritage