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Matej Lipar, PhD

Head of the Department of Physical Geography

+386 1 4706 508

- Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering, La Trobe University, 2015
- School Teacher of Geography and History, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 2010

Research fields

Karstology, speleology, geomorphology, physical geography, geology, geochemistry, palaeoclimatology, sedimentology, geochronology

Selected presentations and lectures

  • ANZGG (Australian & New Zealand Geomorphology Group Conference): 2022 (Alice Springs) - Enigmatic annular landform on the Nullarbor Plain, Australia. (main author: Lipar, M; co-authors: Ferk, M.; Šmuc, A.; Barham, M.)
  • ICG (International Conference of the International Association of Geomorphologists) 2022 (Coimbra) - Quaternary coastal dune limestone karst. (main author: Lipar, M.)
  • ICS (International Congress of Speleology): 2022 (Le Bourget-du-Lac) - Fluviokarst on quaternary eogenetic conglomerates : an example from Slovenia. (main author: Lipar, M.; co-authors: Ferk, M)
  • EGU (European Geosciences Union General Assembly): 2022 (Vienna) - Challenges in characterisation and mapping of solution pipes. (main author: Lipar, M.; co-authors: Szymczak, P.; Ciglič, R.; Prakash Sharma, R.; Zorn, M.; Stepišnik, U.; Ferk, M.)
  • MedGU (Mediterranean geosciences Union Annual Meeting): 2021 (Istanbul) - Syngenetic karst, a global overview. (main author: Lipar, M.)
  • IKS (International Karstological School Conference): 2021 (Postojna) - Imaging solution pipes : case study from Miocene calcarenites in Poland. (main author: Lipar, M.; co-authors: Kowalczyk, S.; Oryński, S.; Owoc, B.; Prakash Sharma, R.; Szymczak, P.)
  • EGU (European Geosciences Union General Assembly): 2021 (Vienna) - Impact crater versus bioherm on the Nullarbor Plain, Australia. (main author: Lipar, M.; co-authors: Ferk, M.; Šmuc, A.)
  • DSO (Long Term Environmental Change Conference): 2021 (Ljubljana) – Stalagmites and palaeoclimate in Slovenia : current research. (main author: Lipar, M.; co-authors: Lojen, S.; Ferk, M.; Tičar, J.; Hrvatin, M.; Zorn, M.)
  • AESC (Australian Earth Science Convention): 2021 (Australia) – Solution pipes and focussed vertical water flow in carbonates with high matrix porosity. (main author: White, S.; co-authors: Lipar, M.; Szymczak, P.; Webb, J.)
  • EGU (European Geosciences Union General Assembly): 2020 (Vienna) - Recently exposed subglacial carbonate deposits at the retreating Triglav Glacier, Slovenia. (main author: Lipar, M.; co-authors: Martín-Pérez, A.; Tičar, J.; Pavšek, M.; Gabrovec, M.; Hrvatin, M.; Komac, B.; Zorn, M.; Zhao, J.; Drysdale, R.N.; Ferk, M.)
  • INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research Congress): 2019 (Dublin) - The preliminary results of the Holocene stalagmite paleoenvironmental record from   Postojna Cave, Slovenia. (main author: Lipar, M; co-authors: Drysdale, RN; Zhao, J.)
  • ANZGG (Australian & New Zealand Geomorphology Group Conference): 2019 (Inverloch) - Deep caves on the Nullarbor Plain, Australia. (main author: Lipar, M; co-authors: Ferk, M.; Lojen, S.; Barham, M.)
  • IKS (International Karstological School Conference): 2019 (Postojna) - Water-rock interaction in Postojna Cave: can we use stable oxygen isotopes as palaeothermometer? (main author: Lipar, M; co-authors: Dolenc Batagelj, K.; Drysdale, R.; Zhao, J.)
  • DSO (Long Term Environmental Change Conference): 2019 (Ljubljana) - Subglacial carbonate deposits: their implication on palaeoenvironment from the Last Glacial Maximum. (main author: Lipar, M.; co-authors: Ferk, M.; Martín-Pérez, A.; Tičar, J.; Pavšek, M.; Gabrovec, M.; Hrvatin, M.; Komac, B.; Zorn, M.; Zhao, J.; Drysdale, R.N.)
Top Downloaded Article from Wiley Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (2024)
Slovene Research Initiative Exchange award with Ohio State University (2020)
La Trobe University Postgraduate Writing-up Award (Web of Science) (2014)
Best presentation award at 25th Victorian universities Earth and Environmental Sciences Conference (2012)
Slovene Research Initiative Exchange award with Ohio State University (2020)
Department of Geography Award (University of Ljubljana) for special achievements during geography study (for a seminar Land use change, based on the distance of town centres in Slovenia according to Von Thünen model – using Esri ArcGis) (2007)
Department of Geography Award (University of Ljubljana) for special achievements during geography study (for diploma Geomorphological features, developed on Tamala Limestone in surroundings of Cervantes and Jurien Bay, Western Australia) (2009)
La Trobe University Full Fee Research Scholarship (2011-2015)
La Trobe University Postgraduate Research Scholarship (2011-2015)
Ironing out complexities in karst chronology: the Quaternary aeolianite karst phenomenon (June 1, 2025 - May 31, 2028)
Collection and interpretation of data from stalagmites to interpret palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment (postdoctoral research project • June 1, 2017 - May 31, 2020)
Karst artefacts of the remote northern part of the Nullarbor Plain (research project • November 6, 2017 - November 5, 2023)
Denuded caves of the Nullarbor Plain (fundamental project • October 1, 2023 - November 30, 2026)
Geomorphological characteristics on eogenetic carbonate rocks in Slovenia and United States of America (bilateral project • October 1, 2019 - September 30, 2021)
Novel proxies of the Holocene climate variability in stalagmites in Slovenia (fundamental research project • September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2023)
Geomorphological peculiarities of AEOLianite KARST and their palaeoclimatic significance (fundamental research project • September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2022)
Solution pipes as a novel palaeoclimate proxy (fundamental research project • November 1, 2021 - October 31, 2023)