AgriGo4Cities - Urban agriculture for changing cities: governance models for better institutional capacities and social inclusion
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Asst. Prof. Jani Kozina, PhD-
Original Title
Urban agriculture for changing cities: governance models for better institutional capacities and social inclusion
Project Team
Drago Kladnik, PhD, Petra Rus, PhD, Mateja Šmid Hribar, PhD, Mateja Ferk, PhD, Jernej Tiran, PhD, Peter Kumer, Ph.D., Saša Poljak Istenič, PhD, Asst. Prof. Jani Kozina, PhD, Peter Repolusk, BA-
Project ID
1 January 2017–30 June 2019 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Financial Source
Interreg Danube
Slovenian Research Agency
Association Euni Partners, Association of South-Western Municipalities, Ifuplan – Institute for Environmental Planning and Spatial Development, Municipality of Ulcinj, EBB Europaberatung, Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region, Employment Service of Slovenia, Regional Office Koper, Association of City Municipalities of Slovenia, Prague City Hall, Municipality of Velenje, Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd., Vaslui Municipality, Association for culture and education, PiNA, ENVICORP Slovakia, European Development Agency, Municipal District Prague 9
In recent times, the main needs and challenges related to governance systems within the Danube region can be associated with decreasing public institutional capacities to incorporate participatory approach into decision-making processes. The absence of participatory mechanisms is contributing to reduced motivation of people to engage in governance and administration because they feel relegated from political, social and economic agendas and not competent enough to act as an equivalent counterpart and a considerable driver of “change”. The gap between citizens and public authorities at all levels is therefore increasing and leading to intensified mistrust and lack of public participation, especially among the most disadvantaged communities at risk of exclusion, such as the poor, unemployed, homeless, Roma communities, elderly, women and youth. The growing social and economic inequalities are reflected in reduced quality of urban life. To overcome these challenges the AgriGo4Cities project wants to employ Participatory Urban and Peri-urban agriculture (UPA) as a powerful and emerging method to improve public institutional capacities in order to tackle socio-economic exclusion of vulnerable/marginalized groups and to stimulate sustainable urban development in the Danube region. To this end the projects aims to develop innovative methodology of participatory planning and integrate it into decision-making processes. The methodology will improve capacities of public administrators to involve relevant stakeholders and civil society into governance and public participation. Intensified cooperation will boost mutual trust and stimulate strengthened socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable/marginalized groups. The reduction of social and economic inequalities will lead to more sustainable development of disadvantaged neighbourhoods. By applying a transnational multi-level approach the AgriGo4Cities project ambition is to become a flagship of well governed Danube region.
For more information see the official project website.
- Poljak Istenič, S., Šmid Hribar, M., Kozina, J. 2021: Nexus of Urban Gardening and Social Sustainability in Post-Socialist Cities. In: Droege, P. (ed) Urban Agriculture and Regional Food Systems. Elsevier (in press).
- Poljak Istenič, S., Kozina, J. 2020: Participatory Planning in a Post-socialist Urban Context: Experience from Five Cities in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Nared, J., Bole, D. (eds.) Participatory Research and Planning in Practice. The Urban Book Series. Cham: Springer.
- Szalók, M., Csaba, B., Kozina, J. (eds.) 2019 : Participatory urban agriculture governance plan for fighting social exclusion in the Danube Region. Székesfehérvár: Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency.
- Kozina, J., Tiran, J. 2019: Evaluation report on the end-project effectiveness of participatory urban agriculture in pilot areas (ex-post). Ljubljana.
- Kozina, J., Šmid Hribar, M., Poljak Istenič, S., Tiran, J. 2019: Družbeni učinki urbanega kmetijstva. Georitem 31. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Šmid Hribar, M., Poljak Istenič, S., Kozina, J., Kumer, P. (eds.) 2018: Participatory Urban Agriculture: Good Practices Catalogue. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Kozina, J., Tiran, J. 2018: Evaluation report on the pre-project effectiveness of participatory urban agriculture in pilot areas (ex-ante). Ljubljana.
- Cunk, K., Straus, M., Zamfira, R. (eds.) 2017: Approaching urban agriculture as a social innovation: Guidelines for the development and implementation of an action plan. Koper: Association for Culture and Education PiNA.
- Cunk, K., Weixler, E. (ur.) 2017: Preparing for action planning: An account of the training session. Koper: Association for Culture and Education PiNA.
- AgriGo4Cities final project video
- 2nd price of the Danube Transnational Programme Video Competition.
- 30-years of Interreg brochure by the European Commission – promoted as a good example.