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Marjan Ravbar, Ph.D.

Research fields
urban geography, regional planning, regional development, geography of Human resources

Other activities
Member (2004–) and vice president (2006-2008) of the Science Council of the ZRC SAZU President of the Science Council of the Institute (2008)
President of the Commission on Geographic Research (2003--2005) at the Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia
Co-worker in the preparing of the Strategy of the economic development in Slovenia I. and II. (1995 and 2000)
Co-worker in the preparing of the Strategy of the regional development in slovenia (2000)
Co-worker in the preparing of the Strategy of the spatial  development in slovenia;
Leader of the working group for constituency formation at the National Assembly (2000)
Member of the editorial board of the IB - revija and the editor of 1 (out of four) volume per year
Member of the working group Wettbewerb der Städte: Chancen und Risiken der vertikalen und horizontalen Kooperation (Competition of Cities: Chances and Risks of Vertical and Horizontal Co-operation) at the  Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung in Hannover
Member of working group for Middle and Southeastern Europe by Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung iz Hannovra (2007-2011)

Municipality of Novo mesto Research Community Award, 1980
Distinction of the Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia, Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia, 1984
Federal Conference SZDL Award, Socialist working labour Federation, 1987
Bronze Tablet of the Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia, Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia, 1998
Golden Tablet of the Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia, Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia, 2004

Ravbar, M. 2002: Suburbanizacijske težnje v razvoju prebivalstva in delovnih mest v ljubljanski mestni regiji. Geografija Ljubljane. Ljubljana.
Kladnik, D., Ravbar, M. 2003: Členitev slovenskega podeželja. Geografija Slovenije  8. Ljubljana.
Ravbar, M. 2004: Dejavniki skladnega regionalnega razvoja v predvideni pokrajinski ureditvi Slovenije. Dokumenti in študije o pokrajinah v Sloveniji 2000– 2004: zbornik. Ljubljana.
Ravbar, M. 2004: Prihodnost omrežja mest v Sloveniji : stanje, težnje, razvojni scenariji in odprta vprašanja naselbinskega razvoja = Future of the urban network in Slovenia : conditions, tendencies, development scenarios and open questions of the settlement network development. V: PROSEN, Anton (ur.). Prostorske znanosti za 21. stoletje : jubilejni zbornik ob 30-letnici Interdisciplinarnega podiplomskega študija urbanističnega in prostorskega planiranja in 60-letnici prof. dr. Andreja Pogačnika, predstojnika tega študija. Ljubljana.
Ravbar, M. 2005: The future of Slovenian cities in the European competition between cities : "Laissez-faire" or affirmative action?. Competition between cities in Central Europe: opportunities and risks of cooperation. Bratislava.
Ravbar, M. 2005: "Urban sprawl": popačena slika (sub)urbanizacije v Sloveniji?. Geografski vestnik 77-1. Ljubljana.
Ravbar, M. 2007 Prostorsko planiranje - čemu? = Spatial planning - what for?. Geodetski vestnik 51-2.Ljubljana.
Ravbar, M. 2007: Poti in stranpoti pokrajinske reforme. Lex localis 5-4. Ljubljana.
Ravbar, M. 2008: Regionalpolitik und Regionalentwicklung in Slowenien. Transformationen und kleinräumige Vielfalt, (Natur - Raum - Gesellschaft, Bd. 5). Frankfurt am Main.
Ravbar, M., Bole, D. 2007: David. Geografski vidiki ustvarjalnosti. Georitem 6. Ljubljana.

B. Sc. in Geography and History Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 1971
M. Sc. in Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1976
Ph. D. in Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1993