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Terasirana pokrajina Goriških brd

Authors: Drago Kladnik, Blaž Komac, Lučka Ažman Momirski, Franci Petek, Peter Repolusk, Matija Zorn
Year: 2008

Agricultural terraces are the predominant landscape element in the Goriška brda region. These were once made by hand, but started being built mechanically after the Second World War. Reshaping slopes into terraces increases the amount of arable farmland. Farming, especially cultivation of vineyards and orchards, is still the most important industry in this region. The development of winegrowing has indelibly marked the image of the cultural landscape here.
Terraces are mostly being abandoned in regions with market-oriented mechanized farming. Much of the formerly terraced land in upper Goriška brda is now completely overgrown or deteriorated. The former extent of these agricultural terraces cannot even be precisely determined using the land cadastre carried out under Emperor Franz I. In contrast, the agricultural terraces in lower Goriška brda are being constantly renovated.
Maintenance of terraces prevents water loss and reduces soil erosion. When the shape of hillsides is changed, large quantities of soil are moved, and steep slopes are altered, this can cause land slippage and large areas can become unstable. Detailed study indicates that Goriška brda is exposed to a high risk of landslides.
This study was carried out as part of Interreg project IIIB Alpine Space, titled “The Terraced Landscapes of the Alpine Arc” (ALPTER).

Table of content


1 Uvod

2 Naravnogeografske značilnosti

2.1 Površje

2.2 Podnebje, vode, prsti in rastlinstvo

3 Družbenogeografske značilnosti

3.1 Zgodovinski vidiki poselitve

3.2 Demografski razvoj in značilnosti prebivalstva

3.3. Značilnosti naselij

3.4 Gospodarstvo

3.4.1 Kolonat

3.4.2 Posestna sestava

3.4.3 Kmetijske panoge

3.5 Primerjava povojnega razvoja v Goriških brdih tostran in onstran državne meje

4 Raba tal

4.1 Viri in metode dela

4.2 Raba tal v celotnih Goriških brdih

4.3 Raba tal in kulturne terase

5 Raba tal na območjih naselij Medana in Kožbana

5.1 Temeljne poteze območij naselij Medana in Kožbana

5.2 Raba tal na območju naselja Medana

5.3 Raba tal na območju naselja Kožbana

6 Terasirana pokrajina

6.1 Kulturne terase

6.1.1 Vinogradniške terase

6.2 Terasirana pokrajina v Goriških brdih

7 Kulturne terase v južnih Goriških brdih na primeru katastrske občine in naselja Medana

7.1 Načrtovanje novih teras v naselju Medana

8 Kulturne terase v severnih Goriških brdih na primeru katastrske občine in naselja Kožbana

8.1 Primerjava značilnosti terasirane pokrajine v južnih in severnih Goriških brdih

9 Vpliv kamninske sestave in padavin na plazenje

10 Zemljevidi plazovitosti

10.1 Metoda ponderiranja (Deterministična metoda)

10.2 Probabilistična metoda

10.3 Vrednotenje obeh metod

11 Plazovitost Goriških brd

11.1 Zemeljski plazovi jeseni leta 1998

11.2 Ugotavljanje ogroženosti nekaterih pokrajinskih prvin

11.3 Plazovitost in razvoj reliefa

12 Seznam virov in literature

13 Seznam slik

14 Seznam preglednic


cultural landscape
cultural terraces
Goriška Brda
land use


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