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SELINA - Science for Evidence-based and sustainabLe decisIons about NAtural capital


SELINA will provide guidance for evidence-based decision-making that supports the protection, restoration, and sustainable use of our environment. Through a collaboration of experts from 50 partner organisations from all 27 EU member states, Norway, Switzerland, Israel, and the United Kingdom, SELINA will set new standards for international cooperation to promote Ecosystem Services (ES) and Biodiversity (BD) conservation and enhance Ecosystem Conditions (EC).

Providing robust practical information and recommendations to stakeholders from both the public and private sectors, SELINA will pave the way towards the transformative societal change required to achieve the ambitious goals of the European Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and the Green Deal.

Delovni paketi projekta SELINA ter prikaz njihove medsebojne odvisnosti

SELINA strands and Work Packages, their overall organisations and interrelations.


SELINA will produce various outcomes: concrete Deliverables (i.e. reports, publications, methods database and documentation), networking (e.g. by Communities of Practice and a series of altogether eight thematic Workshops across Europe) and an open access Compendium of Guidance at the science-policy-business-society interface that translates the technical results into a format to be used by a broad suite of stakeholders.

All outcomes will support stakeholder engagement to increase relevance and applications of scientific outcomes for evidence-based, more cost-effective and sustainable decision-making about natural capital; in the 15 SELINA public and private decision-making Demonstration Projects and beyond, SELINA will furthermore foster our understanding of ecosystems and their services to increase robustness of approaches, methods and data that are necessary to support transformative change on different scales.

 More about SELINA can be found at web page


Research Project

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