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WIKIAlps a new tool for spatial development in the Alps

Published on: April 16, 2014

WIKIAlps a new tool for spatial development in the Alps

Transnational working tables on how to benefit from Alpine Space project results

The European Union’s Alpine Space Programme is actively involved in promoting research and operational projects on competitiveness, accessibility, and environmental protection of the Alpine space. During the period 2007-2013, the programme has invested 130 Mio € in impact - oriented projects and additional 150 Mio € have been planned for the upcoming six–year programming period.
To ensure a lasting contribution of such considerable monetary efforts, the current challenge researchers are facing,is how to link project results with the needs of major stakeholders in the Alps.
In order to improve the use of project results, the partner institutions working at the WIKIAlps project organise a “Transnational Working Table” on 06 May 2014 in Innsbruck. Aim of the different sections will be to discuss with stakeholders to what extent they have benefited from Alpine Space project results and what their expectations, concerns and needs are about future spatial development in the Alps. Participants will gain more insights into WIKIAlps, an innovative wikipedia like online platform developed in the framework of the project, which enables easy access to Alpine Space project results on two thematic fields: inclusive growth and resource efficiency and ecosystem management. “WIKIAlps reorganises selected projects’ results such as data, recommendations, and guidelines in a user friendly format, which gives civil servants, public administrations, researchers, entrepreneurs and interested public operative tools to elaborate and learn more about spatial development policy design” - says project leader Caroline Pecher of the European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC).
A discussion round among participants will collect feedbacks on how to shape the information contained in WIKIAlps to meet transnational common issues and needs of stakeholders whose daily work influences spatial development in the Alps. Participants will also have the opportunity to discuss with a wide range of stakeholders interested in extending transnational cooperation and synergies within the Alpine space. At the Innsbruck meeting, hosted at the “Haus der Begegnung” will mainly participate stakeholders from the Eastern part of the Alps, however the participation is open to participants from the entire Alpine space. An additional “Transnational working table” for stakeholders of the Western part of the Alps will take place in Courmayeur on 28 May 2014 at the “Jardin de l’Ange”. For more information and registration visit The project WIKIAlps is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the frame of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Alpine Space (

Please find enclosed:
WIKIAlps transnational working tables (agenda)
WIKIAlps transnational working tables (leaflet)

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