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Upgrade of the methodology for designation of nationally important landscape identity areas


The concept of landscape character has been introduced in Slovenian policies by the Strategy of spatial development (SPRS, 2004) and Spatial order of Slovenia (PRS, 2004). The landscape contents in both documents have been based on the extensive expert work; such as Strategy of landscape protection in Slovenia, 1996, Landscape typology of Slovenian regions 1998, Guidelines for exceptional landscapes' management) as well as using criteria for exceptional landscapes' designation and protection of cultural heritage. Since then there has not been much attention to the topic of landscape management and protection, the landscape character objectives have not been supported by implementation instrument. In the meantime, landscapes in Slovenia changed significantly, particularly in terms of losing significant, harmonic landscape patterns and structures. Urban sprawl and dispersed settlement in the countryside on the one side and structural changes in agriculture: abandonment of farming and its intensification on the other are main driving forces . 

The methodology of designating landscape character features and areas has become outdated not only because of spatial, socio-economic and political changes but also due to advances in the knowledge and methods in the field of landscape analysis and evaluation. The upgrade of the methodology in the proposed project will link state of the art knowledge to policy development processes and action, required for protection and increase of valuable landscapes.

The aim of this project is to verify and upgrade the existing methodology of designating landscape character areas, important for national identity. Criteria for designating these areas will be set to enable evaluation and selection of these areas. The proposed method will be tested in two pilot areas: Triglav national park (TNP) and another one, based on previous results. Providing spatial guidelines for the TNP area will also be a part of the testing.

Project Stages

The project is organized into five work packages. The first one includes developing conceptual framework based on the analysis of literature and other sources. One of the inputs will be an analysis of the application of existing methodology on national and local level and validation of its results. The second work package involves empirical research to test and select criteria. Survey among the general and professional public will be conducted on adequate sample; the results will be interpreted and integrated in the methodology. In the second part of this package we will address the representatives of institutions related to landscape, and collect their opinions by structured interviews.

The results will be used in the third package to propose the (renewed) methodology of designating landscape character areas, important for national identity, develop general rules for landscape management. The method here includes testing the proposal in two areas. Testing in TNP will be further developed in the fourth work package into proposal of spatial management guidelines and criteria for the park area.

Fifth work package is devoted to dissemination of the results and runs parallel to the previous ones. It involve organization of the meetings, presentations and workshops for stakeholders, as well as publications in general and research media.


The main results of the project include: (1) the upgraded methodology of designating landscape character areas, important for national identity, based on conceptual framework, analysis of experience, empirical research in general and professional public, discussion with stakeholders and verification on two pilot cases (2) general rules for landscape management in landscape character areas of national importance, (3) designation of the landscape character areas and spatial management guidelines and criteria for the park area and (4) several actions for increasing awareness of the landscape in general and professional public and among the institutions dealing with landscape.

Research Project

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