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Methodology for interpreting a drawing material as a result of an innovative in situ large scale participatory process "Draw a coastal road"


The main goal of the project was the elaboration of a methodology for the interpretation of drawing material that emerged as a result of an innovative, in situ large scale participatory process in Slovenia, of the "Draw the coastal road" initiative. In September 2018, more than 1000 people from all over Slovenia, neighboring Italy and various European countries gathered together on the former state coastal road (between the connection to the circular road in Koper and the Ruda route in Izola) and jointly created ideas for the future of the coastal area on 2.24 km long paper roll. The organizers wanted the local people and the general public to express their views / wishes / suggestions on the possibilities of reviving the "new" public space, the area of the former section of the coastal road between Koper and Izola, in an in situ situational drawing on paper. The organizers collected all the acquired data and forwarded them to the Cultural Education Association PiNA. The latter contacted the Anton Melik Geographical Institute of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts for the professional support of the processing of pictures and writing materials. We developed the Methodology for the interpretation of drawing material as a result of the participatory process of the "Draw a Coastal Road" initiative. The methodology comprises 5 basic elements that appear on the visual and written material, namely material, outline of the group, location, infrastructure and content. The aforementioned basic elements are then divided into subcategories to capture the desired content. The methodology was developed in the online tool 1KA, which enables automatic data aggregation, crossings and graphic representation in the form of graphs.

Presentation fo the drawing material:


Research Project

interpretacija slikovnega gradiva
obalna cesta
participativni proces