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From sport's geography to football player market

Osnovni podatki

27. maj 2016 ob 10:00 do 27. maj 2016 ob 11:00
Ljubljana, Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja, GIAM ZRC SAZU

Predavanje z naslovom THE CIES FOOTBALL OBSERVATORY: From sport's geography to football player market je imel gostujoči predavatelj dr. Loïc Ravenel, ki je zaposlen na Mednarodnem centru za raziskave v športu (CIES - Centre International d’Etude du Sport) v Neuchâtelu (Švica). CIES je ustanovila FIFA v sodelovanju z univerzo in lokalnimi oblastmi v Neuchâtelu. Spodaj si lahko prenesete pdf datoteko predstavitve ter pdf datoteko uvodnega nagovora ter preberete tudi kratek povzetek predavanja.

Loïc Ravenel: THE CIES FOOTBALL OBSERVATORY: From sport's geography to football player market
Rok Ciglič, Jani Kozina, Jernej Tiran: Sport and geography

Prof. dr. Loïc Ravenel je geograf in raziskovalec na Mednarodnem centru za športne raziskave (CIES) s sedežem v Neuchâtelu v Švici. Je soustanovitelj Nogometnega observatorija pri CIES, ki nudi raziskovalno podporo organizacijam, povezanim z nogometom (športnim zvezam, ligam, klubom in medijem) in združuje raziskovalce, ki se ukvarjajo z različnimi vidiki športa.
V svojem predavanju bo izpostavil različne geografske vsebine športa ter osvetlil vlogo, pomen in prispevek geografskega raziskovanja za šport in nogomet. Kvantitativni podatki o športu omogočajo analize v prostoru (primerjava med državami) in času (primerjava med sezonami). Analize lahko služijo na primer razumevanju nogometašev kot migrantov, katerih prestopi so sestavni del njihove karierne poti. V Nogometnem observatoriju so na osnovi raznih podatkov tako razvili »nogometni atlas«, ki združuje podatke o prestopih in druge z nogometom povezane informacije in je tako uporabno spletno orodje za prostorski prikaz najrazličnejših podatkov in statistik.

Daljši opis v angleščini:
Established since 2005, the CIES Football Observatory ( is a research group within the International Centre for Sports Studies (CIES). Its research team gathers academic geographers who work on sport for several years. Its aim is to provide top level services for football governing bodies (federations, leagues, clubs, media), producing and exploiting a vast amount of data on football players. Indeed, with globalization of sport, new issues emerged these last years: new regulations for transfers, definition of sporting nationality, preservation of national training organization, emergence of new markets. The aim of this presentation is to show how geographical issues on football – and sport in general – have become the specificity and identity of the CIES Football Observatory. 15 years ago, such works were not considered as responsible because sport didn’t appear like a “real” geographical object. Fortunately, this has changed both for academics and sport governing bodies.
The contribution of geography can be expressed into several points. First, the comparative approach inherited from quantitative geography led us to the concept of “observatory”. It permits to produce clearly defined indicators comparable in space (between countries) and time (depending on the season). Secondly, the observatory is designed using the theoretical framework of international migrations, and particularly the circulatory approach. It considers players as migrants for whom the movement is an element of their career progression. Finally, mapping is still a great tool for revealing such spatial information. In this context, we developed a dynamic mapping adapted to the trajectories of players.

Professor of Geography, Loïc Ravenel is now scientific collaborator at the International Center for Sport Studies (Switzerland). For 20 years, he worked on sport's geography. In 2005 he created with R. Poli the CIES Football Observatory, project he continues to drive today.