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Natural hazards in France: coping strategies in flood risk management

(Naravne nesreče v Franciji: strategije zmanjševanja poplavne nevarnosti)

Osnovni podatki

20. avgust 2018 ob 10:00 do 20. avgust 2018 ob 11:00
Dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja GIAM ZRC SAZU, Gosposka 16, Ljubljana
Organizator: Geomorfološko društvo Slovenije

Geografski inštitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU vas v sodelovanju z Geomorfološkim društvom Slovenije vabi na predavanje 'Natural hazards in France: coping strategies in flood risk management' (Naravne nesreče v Franciji: strategije zmanjševanja poplavne nevarnosti).
 Predavala bo Jennifer Deriaz (ESAIP Engineering School, Angers, Francija).
Kratek povzetek predavanja: The objective of this talk is to give a global overview of the main natural hazards existing on the French territory. With a special focus on floods, it will describe some of the attempts to prevent these natural events from turning into disasters, through legislation, urban planning, increased public awareness and scientific research. The example of “épisodes cévenols”, violent and localized storms usually causing floods, will be used to illustrate the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean region of France.