Physical Geography Laboratory
dr. Mateja Ferk
The Physical Geography Laboratory is part of the Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU. It is located at the Research Station Barje and provides a spacious and modern working environment.
It supports the research of scientists of the Department of Physical Geography and Department of Natural Hazards. The Physical Geography Laboratory comprises a research laboratory and dedicated rooms for sample preparation and sample storage.
The Physical Geography Laboratory offers facilities for rock, sediment, and soil analyses, and water-chemistry analyses.
- polarising microscope Motic with camera (PantheraTEC – EpiPOL)
- high-resolution scale G&G (JJ124BC)
- drying owen Binder
- sample preparation equipment (drillers, mortar and pestles, vials…)
- set of sieves
Devices for water-chemistry analyses:
- Digital Multimeter for pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen and conductivity (WTW MULTI 3430)
- Photometer for measurement of the concentration of elements and compounds (Macherey Nagel)
Equipment for fieldwork and sampling:
- manual auger for drilling clastic sediments and soils (extensions for 5m profiles)
- cordless rotary hammer Bosch GBH 180-LI
- ice borer Bürkle
- custom made ice core auger
- caving equipment and rigging gear
- mountaineering equipment
The facilities of the Physical Geography Laboratory are available also for guest researchers and guest students at the Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU working in the field of Geosciences.