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»Ne damo se!«. Ivan Gams in slovenska geografija.

Edited by: Matija Zorn, Darko Ogrin
Year: 2024

The monograph (‘"We're not giving up!" Ivan Gams and Slovenian Geography’) is dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the geographer academician Ivan Gams and provides a comprehensive and detailed account of his professional and scientific achievements. The monograph is divided into four thematic sections. The first, entitled ‘Ivan Gams - life and work’, presents in five contributions Gams's life and the full range of his scientific and professional work. The second section, entitled ‘Gams' contribution to the understanding of geomorphology and karst’, in three contributions presents Gams' activities in the field of karstology and geomorphology. The third section, entitled ‘Ivan Gams as a physical geographer’, also in three contributions, highlights the importance of Ivan Gams in other areas of physical geography, such as soil geography, climate geography and water geography. The fourth section, entitled ‘Ivan Gams' contribution to social and regional geography and beyond’, also has three contributions and highlights the importance of Ivan Gams in fields not directly related to physical geography.

Table of content

Darko Ogrin, Matija Zorn, Predgovor

Ivan Gams – življenje in delo

Maja Topole, Akademik prof. dr. Ivan Gams (1923–2014), njegovo življenje in vsestransko znanstveno delo

Darko Ogrin, Pedagoško delo Ivana Gamsa

Borut Peršolja, Blaž Repe, Vsakdanjost življenja, začinjena z geografijo – terenske vaje z Ivanom Gamsom

Marko Krevs, Po neuhojenih poteh

Miroslav Vysoudil, Sodelovanje Ivana Gamsa s češkimi in slovaškimi geografi in speleologi

Gamsov prispevek k razumevanju geomorfologije in krasa

Mitja Prelovšek, Vloga Ivana Gamsa pri poznavanju raztapljanja na krasu kot geomorfnega pojava

Mihael Brenčič, Gamsovo razumevanje odnosa med vodo in krasom

Jurij Kunaver, Ivan Gams in njegov pomen za razvoj geomorfologije in krasoslovja na Slovenskem

Ivan Gams kot fizični geograf

Ana Vovk, Prst v Gamsovih raziskavah

Matej Ogrin, Prispevek Ivana Gamsa k razvoju slovenske klimatogeografije

Florjana Ulaga, Peter Frantar, Matej Blatnik, Napredek v razumevanju hidrologije Planinskega polja od Gamsa do danes

Prispevek Ivana Gamsa na področju družbene in regionalne geografije ter širše

Drago Kladnik, Ivan Gams kot družbeni in regionalni geograf pa še kaj

Jernej Zupančič, Obravnava poselitvenega prostora slovenskih manjšin v delih Ivana Gamsa

Tajan Trobec, Ivan Gams in naravne nesreče

O avtoricah in avtorjih



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Gams, Ivan
jubilee collective volume


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