M.C.RUK: Network of research arts and culture centres
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Asst. Prof. Jani Kozina, PhD-
Original Title
M.C.RUK: Mreža centrov raziskovalnih umetnosti in kulture
Project Team
Marko Senčar Mrdaković, Asst. Prof. Jani Kozina, PhD-
30 January 2020–15 June 2023 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Financial Source
PiNA – Association for Culture and Education (on the basis of funding from the European Regional Development Fund and the Ministry of Culture)
PiNA – Association for Culture and Education, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
RUK is a network of research centers of art and culture at the intersection of contemporary technologies, science, and the economy. In this interdisciplinary hub, innovative products and services for the soft and humane technology of the future are being developed. RUK's goal is the integration of art and culture in scientific and technological research, development and innovation, digitalization, entrepreneurship, training, and education with an emphasis on humanities and social sciences, ecology, circular economy, and sustainable development. The investment is co-funded by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
ZRC SAZU, Anton Melik Geographical Institute, as an external contractor, supported the project scientifically and professionally. For this purpose, it prepared three studies, namely:
- Senčar Mrdaković, M., Kozina, J. 2023: Evaluation of the RUK laboratories at the intersection of art, science and technology. ZRC SAZU, Anton Melik Geographical Institute; Ljubljana.
- Kozina, J. 2022: Spatial aspects of financing culture from public funds of the Republic of Slovenia. Geografski vestnik, 94-1.
- Kozina, J. 2021: Gap analysis between the creative potential of the Slovenian economy and the service capacities of the cultural and creative sector. ZRC SAZU, Anton Melik Geographical Institute; Ljubljana.