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Prometna dostopnost v Sloveniji

Author: Jani Kozina
Year: 2010

Transport accessibility to jobs, education, supply, and public services, which are usually most concentrated in large regional centers, has an impact on lower economic costs (savings in time and energy consumption), greater social justice (better and more equal access to jobs and education), and lower pressures on the environment (reduction of harmful emissions and noise, and increased road safety). Transport accessibility as a spatial component affects the widest range of development opportunities in an area, and it should therefore represent a significant component of regional and spatial planning. This book presents the main features of transport accessibility to regional centers as the central pillars of regional and spatial structure in Slovenia. Attention is focused on addressing the situation in accessibility planning itself, followed by modeling geographic reality using spatial analyses in a geographic information system. Emphasis is placed on the state of spatial equilibrium of regional centers. This study also examines the spatial differences in their accessibility, the main reasons for these differences, and the correspondence between regional borders in various regionalization proposals for Slovenia and their centers’ borders of accessibility.

Table of content


1 Uvod

2 Teoretska izhodišča

2.1 Opredelitev prometne dostopnosti

2.2 Prometna dostopnost in regionalno-prostorski razvoj

2.3 Policentrični koncept v Strategiji prostorskega razvoja Slovenije

3 Metodologija

4 Načrtovanje prometne dostopnosti

5 Prostorska uravnoteženost regionalnih središč

5.1 Dejavniki uravnoteženosti

5.2 Analiza uravnoteženosti

6 Prometna dostopnost do regionalnih središč

6.1 Prometna dostopnost do petnajstih regionalnih središč

6.2 Prometna dostopnost do dvanajstih, osmih, šestih in treh regionalnih središč

6.3 Vpliv prometnih osi na dostopnost

6.4 Vpliv reliefa na dostopnost

7 Prometna dostopnost do središč v somestjih

7.1 Somestje Brežice¬–Krško–Sevnica

7.2 Somestje Jesenice–Radovljica

7.3 Somestje Koper–Izola–Piran

7.4 Somestje Slovenj Gradec–Ravne na Koroškem–Dravograd

7.5 Somestje Trbovlje–Hrastnik–Zagorje ob Savi

8 Prometna dostopnost kot kriterij regionalizacije

8.1 Členitev na petnajst regij

8.2 Členitev na dvanajst regij

8.3 Členitev na osem regij

8.4 Členitev na šest regij

8.5 Členitev na tri regije

9 Sklep

10 Seznam virov in literature

11 Seznam slik

12 Seznam preglednic


regional centers
regional development
spatial development
transport accessibility
transport geography


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